Thursday 14 March 2019

Average Extra of: Captain Marvel 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Captain Marvel 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The reason why this was created now: well it is simple I now feel when it is appropriate to expand on a subject this is what I will do. But I will still try to be unbiased or put a sensible argument together at the very least so I have slightly changed the boundaries of my contents, yes my boundaries as it relates to reviewing projects still remains such as focusing on the project itself and not the surrounding politics [I will explain this more in this blog] and just before I finish this paragraph; this film review will be dropping around Christmas time.

Real Talking Time: so let's begin on a positive, the film gets a positive review from me [that is all your getting from me for now] and there is something I want to make crystal, crystal absolutely crystal clear I am not here to push my own opinion or opinions on to you or undermine anyone else's opinions, I'm just here hopefully trying to put something balanced or as best as I can across. Now let's focus on what we are here to talk about which is the surrounding politics.

I will listen to anyone's opinion as long as it has substance or anything like this [without trying to make myself sound arrogant what I mean by this is this; if somebody has a pitchfork out in their speech than there is a greater percentage I will switch off in any way,] but if they have a reason or reasons and their pitchfork, I can understand that; if that is the way they feel or how things happen, I don't have to agree with them or disagree with them that is their choice or opinion or view or interpretation.

But having said all of this so far in this blog, this entire situation is getting out of hand. I mean I have seen let's just call it "The Speech" and I just don't like it from this perspective yes I may be a "White Dude" but there are some very good points I want to make here I like variety in the films/projects I watch so I may like A Wrinkle in Time, I don't know I haven't seen it yet and wait this more I am also in a wheelchair, wait there's more I also have mental health issues. My point is this; I may be a "White Dude" personally or professionally I don't like being stereotyped or getting somewhere because I am different for a quick example when I go shopping I wait at the back of the queue, because that is where the queue begins, but there are other times where such as events I get to go in first or something like this, because it is easier to put someone like me in first and then work around me.

So if I was asked to attend something which is film/project based, because of my wheelchair I would politely decline [this isn't strictly true I would decline with stronger wording,] but if someone wanted a wheelchair/mental health person's perspective on a film/project which had these elements in it or generally speaking to attend something to hear my experiences or to share an opinion on these things at the very least I would consider it.

But back to "The Speech" this performer's body language and everything else is difficult to watch, because it's like watching a very slow train crash happening, I mean none of it looks comfortable or free-flowing. This is what I would suggest to this individual, if you are going to things like this; practice them again and again until you look and feel comfortable saying them, so it feels natural and you are confident in what you are saying instead of saying something like "White Dude." But then again I would recommend she stays away from saying basic English such as "White Dude" anyway, because it leaves her wide-open for criticism [I mean she has been criticized anyway,] I'm just talking about using a different level of English/American to try to ensure that what she is saying sounds professional/respectable/slightly warm.

I have used the terminology slightly warm because if you try to sound warm or positive if you are giving a speech or an interview, even though, this individual may run the risk of upsetting people at least there will be some people that may be upset but at the same time, they may identify with at least he or she or whomever was not preachy or nervously smiling or something to this effect or other.

The problems are now: it isn't just this speech that is the problem, there are other issues in one way or another circling around this performer as it relates to this whole situation. Look she has successfully irritated a very big number of the online community which if you're thinking "Well never mind" well newsflash the film industry is moneymaking, so the longer this situation goes on the longer it will take to fix which may affect other film titles in different ways.

I'm going to try my best to put this as nicely as I can; I am of the opinion that someone should have spoken to this individual before and now, to maybe not say the things she has said or at least change the English/American in them. But I am leaning much more towards not saying them.

Before you get the pitchforks out on me and [may I just quickly point out in this blog, I have already illustrated if she was going to say these things this is how I would suggest she would do it.] But I continue; I'm not speaking as a "White Dude" or man or ageist, I am talking from the perspective of; a career perspective, she is only young and the controversy surrounding her at the moment, could possibly damage her career prospects, like this director could really want her in this film but he or she may at the very least have second ideas, because of the possibility of this performer finding herself in a situation like this or in a different situation, but a similar level of controversy.

Now there are some performers out there that can share an opinion or depending what the controversy is, they can ride over it simply because they have been around for many years, they have much respect from and in the industry so as long as they don't do it continuously or unnecessarily they could possibly get away with "The Speech" or their own interpretation of it.

But in fairness I am not sure if there are some people out there that don't like the film, because they don't like the film [which is fair enough] or they don't like the background politics which has little to do with the film. The only main reason this really should be a factor and if you want to point out a scene feels like it has been re-done [or re-shot,] because something like this would be based on your viewing experience again this would be fair enough.

For an example of what I mean I watched this project entitled Brexit: The Uncivil War 2019 [alternative name Brexit,] now I did try to be professional, but I felt more and more uncomfortable watching it, because it is based on real life events and if you are outside of my country without getting too political here, this experience has been very, very, very, very long and painful [in fact when this goes out it is still going on,] to be more precise it never seems like it is going to end.

This is how I would have done it: now let's say that this performer had come to me and said there are not enough varieties in critics these days and I want to change that. I would have said to her the following; create a consistent online presence and eventually say to your followers/viewers. Okay I am now looking for a selection of people from all different walks of life that are amateur/independent critics to come and interview me, the day after the normal press circuit and after that you can see a private showing of my latest film, all you have to do is send me your latest review [no adult language will be accepted,] she could even pick the same person now and again as long as they put in an updated review, so she could keep an eye on their career and have a small interest.

If she does this enough times in her career it would create a positive on many different levels, such as if she gave this speech like the one I have made reference to in this blog [including softening the speech/stage presence,] it would show her to be a positive influence, pro-active and standing by what she is saying and not forgetting it would shine a light on the subject matter and possibly and hopefully getting many different people being critics in the future. [I am hoping that this blog is coming over as bounced as I can make it.]

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