Tuesday 22 January 2019

Hellboy II: The Golden Army 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Hellboy II: The Golden Army 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Artistic visions/Action sequences/Comedy level: the artistic visions are a consistent theme in this title, for two examples which are close together the story of this war; this sequence is highly detailed and beautifully shown and moving on a little; the title sequence has imagination to it as well. The action sequences have the same level of detail and attention, such as when our lead evildoer is training with this weapon and much later on our lead role and lead evildoer are doing combat on these cogs, there is a reason why I couldn't say too much about the artistic visions earlier on in this paragraph; because I don't talk about everything in a project, but it has more to do with the fact that this action sequence that I am discussing also has a certain high level of an artistic vision as well as an action sequence, so I can either explore this section a little bit more or discuss other elements and as I have already begun discussing this sequence, it makes sense to continue so with that being said; I like how from beginning to end [including before the action sequence,] the artistic visions really put across to their audiences how grand this place once was and still is, moving slowly forward now I like how our lead role goes around on and underneath these cogs [this will make better sense when or if you choose to watch this sequel or not.]

The comedy level is or has been well-placed, like when we have these two returning characters talking about something serious and in the background as they are walking/talking there are things happening, this sequence has been designed to illustrate whatever is happening in the background this is just an average day at the office for these characters/people that work here or another example is where we have our lead role and this returning character getting drunk in this sequence, firstly talking about love and wishing father was still here/singing and then later on showing long-term effects of drinking.

Storyline: now let's begin on a positive the storyline is good, but unfortunately there are two points in this title that suggests to me there should have been a sequel to this sequel, briefly the first point is this character development and the second point is this dialogue exchange late on in this film title [that is all I can say about these two points really] and consequently this sequel has a feeling of what happened next at the end of this film title, because we are getting a reboot of this live-action character in 2019 will never find out what happened next to these versions of these characters.

Character developments/Performances: the returning characters/performers have been well developed to illustrate that time stands still for no person or anything living; their chemistry feels better gelled together. The newcomers be it the characters developments/performers slot in and they don't feel out of place, the cast should be very happy with the way this sequel turned out.

This film receives: 8/10, I have a selection of marks in mind but I chose this one straight after watching this sequel and from an overview perspective I will stick with it.

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