Sunday 2 December 2018

Skyscraper by 2018 AverageMansReviews

Skyscraper 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, numbers and words on screen, cultural elements, background music, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, place jumps and time jumps.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: well first things first I will discuss the elements I like [this one sequence can be seen as an action sequence and an artistic vision.] Now fast-forward until the later stages of this project where we have these bad guys with guns looking for these characters in this sequence, but in this sequence as well are these highly sophisticated computer things [to simplify this sequence,] these computers in this case are like mirrors where these characters are seeing reflections of themselves including the other characters [off the top of my head this sequence reminds me of the final battle sequence in the legendary and classic film title Enter the Dragon 1973 where in this sequence without giving too much away we have the bad guy vs. our lead character in a one on one sequence and in this location there are many mirrors. [If I have missed out anything as it relates to the Skyscraper sequence I would like to just quickly say this is just a rough description.]

Storyline/Comedy level: it is straightforward, predictable and nothing special. Now let's move onto the comedy level, there are little elements of comedy but they are painful to watch, in this one little scene, we have our lead character trying to break into somewhere and before he tries; he just tries to open the door normally at first.

Character developments/Performances: these character developments are very, very paint by numbers that kind of thing. So let's be fair and balanced on one hand I don't know what these performers were meant to do with these character developments/character types in the first place, whilst on the other hand with keeping in being fair and balanced I am going to say these performances range from poor to mixed, I mean I can see the problems; is it the character developments/character types or is it the performances and if you have seen this project or you haven't seen this project yet on both sides of the line of character developments or performances the best conclusion I could give you is this; generally speaking it would be unfair to blame one or the other, so an element of blame has to be put on both that is the only reasonable and logical way of looking at it.

This film receives: 2/10, now taking everything into consideration like yes there are other moments or scenes or sequences where this project looks visually a treat for the eyes, but be it an unbiased perspective or a personal perspective I don't think too much of this title, but I will try to leave this review on a positive note if you are a fan of Dwayne Johnson give this title a go, but I just wouldn't expect too much.

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