Saturday 1 December 2018

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016/2017 by AverageMansReviews

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016/2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are voice over-elements, background music, mental imagery, quick moving imagery, slow-motion effects, words on screen, place jumps and time jumps.

Now on one hand I do understand beginning this sequel with a history element [okay it is a bit late in the day for this kind of thing, but I still get it and let's be fair it was interesting,] but on the other hand with a rhetorical question why then go on to recapping elements of this franchise again.

Action sequences/Comedy level: the action sequences have a good variety in them; here are just two examples, where our lead role is being chased by this bat thing [you will not be able to miss it; it is on the gigantic side of things and the second is where our lead role is hanging upside down in a trap, but she is still very much able to take care of business, but moving on to the comedy level I just have to mention our lead character using someone else's hand to get this vehicle moving and the line of "You're all going to die down here" gets used at some point.

Storyline/Character developments/Performances: the first thing I want to say is; I will be discussing these three elements clearly but at the same time, the second thing I want to say is; the first two elements are either confusing or makes reference or references to previous events that we haven't seen [we get told them which without giving too much away makes some elements of the previous title useless or unless I have missed something we don't see one character in this title, which developed another character's character developments in the previous title] or I am not making any excuses but there is a possibility I could have missed something so if this is the case I apologize.

The storyline for this project feels really slow by its contents and then, in a rush to squeeze everything in; in the final section as the viewers/our main character finds out more which is valuable information/character developments which once again without being too harsh is useless because why bring all this up in the final 30 minutes when, they could have easily have our lead role find out little bits and pieces of this information beginning at the end of the previous project and throughout this title which in turn would have been a slow and steady character development and worthwhile watching or get your viewers invested in this sequel to watch it all unfold.

Moving on to the performances; I think in the interest of fairness and balance they do the job based on their character developments that is them, Jovovich makes a lot happen, she comes across as someone that has been in this lifestyle for a very long time, slightly comical because she knows she can handle any situation, the chemistry between Alice and Red Queen is something for you to look out for and on a quick side note Young Alicia/Red Queen performed by Ever Anderson does put in a good showing as well.

This film receives: 5/10, well if the truth was known I said this mark after I finished watching it, but I have been thinking between this mark and one other, I decided to stick with this mark, because after taking everything into consideration it just feels either just about there or about right or just about fair, just never talk to me about the ending or anywhere around this section of this title, that is all I am going to say.

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