Tuesday 25 December 2018

Aquaman 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Aquaman 2018  by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is highly entertaining

Fundamental elements: there are words and a number on screen, with voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, environmental elements, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Comedy level: in a nutshell it is well-balanced between origin/growing up lead character, history elements, origin elements of other characters [which could be as small as a name, but still great value nonetheless] and present elements and there is one more thing I should just point out and I think I can get away with saying this because it wouldn't be too much information anyway, the audience don't get the step-by-step origin storyline of our lead character instead they have gone with something different in this title and that is as much as I can say, so if you were thinking that you were going to see a step-by-step storyline formula I can tell you; you don't get this formula.

Moving on to the comedy level this itself has also been given the same detail and respect, basically the viewers don't get the sense of something like this; "Now it's time to be funny" or any force comedy elements, but instead they have gone with natural or little bits of comedy which for the moment feels right.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: for the next two elements it would be much easier to talk about them at the same time, because these two elements have a glorious yet strong presence in this title, I don't mean to repeat myself; but once again on these two elements, they have really pulled out all the stops and given them a high level of care and attention, they are all entertaining with plenty of imagination, just in case I haven't made this clear enough already they will hit you in the face with amazing action and faultless visions of beauty throughout.

Character developments/Performances: now as it relates to our lead role some of his character developments come from the origin/growing up [I was just thinking I would point this out before someone else pointed that out for me,] but there is still elements of character developments of this character in this project and I don't have any problems with the rest of the character developments. The performers of this cast should be very happy with what they have done in this title, their dialogue or dialogue exchanges are of very high standard and there is excellent chemistry in this cast.

This film receives: 10/10, now I have forgotten elements of this title but as you can see I still remembered quite a lot to put this review together, it is nothing to do with I found this film boring, that is far from the truth this film does have so much to offer that you can be forgiven for not taking it all in, I want to make this crystal clear yes I may have forgotten some of this film but I knew I wanted to give this mark.
Now I want to talk about one problem and it will become clear why I haven't mentioned it until now in short it has nothing to do with this title, it has more to do with the bigger picture of things which if it is not addressed properly it will become a massive problem at some point down the line.

Let's get down to business we have Wonder Woman and now Aquaman that now have been given the same level of treatment as in time to grow and develop amongst other things, basically these two characters individually are ready for their individual sequels.

Here's the problem as it stands or potentially in the future if they don't give the same kind of level of attention to any other Justice League member when or if there is to be a sequel or any other crossover the chemistry and the dynamic of this group or any group could come across as potentially really disjointed, so you have two characters in Wonder Woman and Aquaman which will have better chemistry because of their individual character developments and you have the rest that may could come across as undeveloped or half developed compared to the previous two I have just mentioned, the more I think about it the more I would strongly dislike to be in a situation where, hypothetically I know straight off the bat it is almost mandatory for my characters to have this level of in-depth character development based on two reasons; the first being the viewing audiences will pick up on any half way character developments and the second being as I have already said if there was to be a crossover of some description the gap between the character developments would be noticeable and hard work to watch.

I am most probably going to receive some negative feedback for this, but I can't help it if it is true. There are many reasons why I prefer the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe,] as it relates to this topic briefly and generally speaking the character developments between; the first title to second title to third [let's include the crossovers or anything else I might have forgotten as well,] there never quite the same film title to title which is a good thing it shows the character or characters in question are getting older amongst other things and I'm just guessing here but an educated guess as well, from a writing perspective it must be rewarding to develop these characters over time, to basically chisel a little by little at these characters and here is the crucial thing to move them forward and forward again and again until that version of a character has politely finished their time in this Universe.

You see by doing it this way it avoids the potential problems I have been discussing as it relates to the character developments of the Worlds of DC or once again being polite whatever they like to call themselves, but I know it runs the risk of irritating some people out there, but then again this is based on fact so there isn't much I can do about it; the box office takings between these two different Worlds or Universe doesn't lie one is looking at an average of hundreds of millions, whilst the other is looking at a average of high-ranking hundreds of millions  possibly a Billion dollars, there are two things I want to point out these are just averages and yes I haven't checked this out for some time, without sounding arrogant I don't need to because it has been this way for years, but for fairness and balance I did check out Wonder Woman 2017, because I have a feeling this project did fantastic at the box office and I was right, so I cannot say they cannot have similar success to the MCU but they just have to put in the same level of detail and attention to Wonder Woman 2017 and this title consistently to get a similar financial return as the MCU.

But here is another problem where I have been really positive when the Worlds of DC do something right, they go and potentially go back to their usual standard of filmmaking by bringing out Shazam! 2019 which I may have only seen one trailer or potentially other trailers, but based on what I have seen [and just for the record I would love to be wrong that is the thing I want to see any comic book company doing well as it relates to any of their projects, but Shazam! looks and feels like everything is going to be a paint by numbers process and the comedy level looks to be easily staged or something like this, in fairness we will have to wait and see, but then again this is precisely what I mean where this wonderfully balanced film with many things to offer and then, you go from this to Shazam! which you couldn't get much further away from one another even if you tried [based on its qualities,] I will finish this review by saying this is what irritates me about the Worlds of DC they show us their potential now and again, in one or two titles and then they seem to fall into this massive hole of half-hearted film titles which usually has many problems with it on some level or levels.

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