Sunday 30 September 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 1, Disc 1] Episode 17: Autobot Spike by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 1, Disc 1] Episode 17: Autobot Spike by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed.

Technical issues: the final episode in season one was episode 16, I went to watch this episode it had the number 16 beside the title instead of 17, or episode 1 [because it is the first one on the DVD,] but there's more you may have noticed at the top of this episode review there is Season 2, Volume 1, Disc 1 this is because when you go to watch this DVD on the start screen it should say somewhere on it Disc 1 I have no idea why this is; in fact I went back to have a quick look at Season 1's DVD's to see if I had missed something, but I hadn't.

Storyline: now I am going to try not to give too much away; here we go, unless I have missed something again, at no point does this episode cover how the Decepticons survived and found a way out of the previous episode, but moving on to the storyline, in a nutshell it is based around a well-known horror story just adapted slightly to fit in with this TV series; which in theory I should like but even now I am in two minds about this episode storyline for some reason, it's difficult to put my finger on it.

Character developments: so how is Reflector meant to work, because yes in this episode we get to see them do something collectively including being their transformed state a camera,] my point is this; when does Reflector stop being Reflector and the three individual characters begin being individual characters. There is some friction between Starscream and Megatron in this episode as well.

Action sequences: there are two double teams, I will only bring up one though, Megatron teams up with Soundwave [Megatron is in his transformed mode of Walther P38.]

This episode receives: 4/10, I am comfortable with this mark or just about comfortable, it was a difficult call really but taking everything into consideration I think it is about right, on a quick side note without saying too much watch out for Autobot [Brawn's] kick, let's just say with a kick like that he could play for the Green Bay Packers.

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