Friday 28 September 2018

Sniper 3 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Sniper 3 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed

Fundamental elements: there is background music, cultural elements, quick moving effects, slow-motion effects, yes and no to subtitles being used, words on screen, an interpreter elements, mental imagery, voice-over elements, place jumps and time jumps.

Action sequences: in a nutshell these are the kinds of element or elements you will see in this title; training with a computer simulation, chasing, combat and weapons being used. I really want to say more, but I can't because it happens pretty close to the end of this film, but I think I can just about get away with saying this; it is an action sequence and it is imaginative.

Performances/Storyline/Character developments: briefly the performances range from mixed or somewhere around here to good. Now before I continue I am not going to be talking about this storyline too heavily [because that is something I don't do, but I will be talking about an element or elements of it in a roundabout way] and I will be discussing the character developments at the same time, this will make sense the more you read of this review.

What would've made this film better is this; the lead character is getting older and the toll of this career/lifestyle is most definitely showing itself in one way or another and in fairness and balance this title does show/used these elements, but they could have developed these elements more, where he could be thinking something like this; "Maybe it is about time for me to rotate back to the real world full-time, but then again this is all I know" or something like this, so it tells or implies to the audience he is torn between his career/lifestyle which at this point he has been doing for a long time or rotating back to the real world full-time which could be difficult for him to adjust to at this point in his life.

This film receives: 5/10, now throughout this project I could have given different marks, but I settled on this one because after everything is said and done; this one felt closer.

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