Wednesday 25 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 7: The Defection of Hawkeye by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 7: The Defection of Hawkeye by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Storyline: this storyline for this episode is good.

Voices: I don't think I will be bringing up this point again, it is a little bit boring, because I have mentioned it enough and at this point we are not even into double figures yet as it relates to the episode numbers [I could be wrong about these voice changes, but when I have put them in their individual reviews all I can say is this; something doesn't sound right.]

Action sequences: these elements are entertaining and on reflection, because of the action sequences it was easier to go with the mark I went with at the end of this review.

This episode receives: 7/10, now over the recent reviews as it relates to this TV program it has been somewhat difficult for me to think of the right mark for these episodes and yes I was thinking about briefly giving this episode another mark, but then again I did think I was being a little bit harsh, because generally speaking this episode has a really good idea of what it is doing from beginning to end.

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