Monday 19 March 2018

The Snowman 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Snowman 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: straight off the bat this film is painful to watch, I mean yes I was going to stop bringing up these elements and in one aspect I had stopped bringing this particular element up, because it wasn't a big deal but in this case I will make an exception, because it assist me to make my point.

I replayed some scenes [there could have been more scenes or sequences replayed from beginning to end of this title,] but as I have already said in previous reviews lately I am trying to stop doing this and I kind of gave up after some time and on top of that I took some stoppages to get through this project [this is the particular element I haven't brought up for some time now because normally it is no big deal,] but in a nutshell I was struggling with this title.

Fundamental elements: there is a time jump and place jumps, background music which did or does nothing for me, I think there is one small scene where another language is being used without subtitles I could be wrong. The movement of this title is so slow that briefly the more you watch the more of a struggle this film becomes.

Weapons/Deaths/Snowman: there are weapons being used, deaths and other elements and in a nutshell the snowman used throughout in this project look good.

Performances: generally speaking for me these performances are poor, but then again I am not too sure if it is the other elements I have spoken about in this review that really leave these performers to try and make something work, I think I can just about get away with telling you this element without telling you too much, this love triangle thing between three main characters is tedious and I would prefer to spend more time on other elements of this storyline [but in fairness these other storyline elements are not that interesting either.]

This film receives: 1/10, this project receives this marking for so many reasons here are just some of them; it bore me, this title has no get up and go to it, even putting this review together left me questioning certain elements of this project like are the performances poor or do the other elements impact on the performances themselves or should I look at these performances and the other elements as a separate thing or something else [I am not backtracking on anything I have said in this review,] but the logical response is I just don't know,] in fairness to myself when or if you choose to watch this project hopefully a high percentage of this review will make sense but what I can tell you is this; this film is not a joy to watch.

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