Thursday 1 February 2018

The Marine 2 2009 by AverageMansReviews

The Marine 2 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor, but this project does have some elements to it, that you may want to watch out for, when or if you choose to watch this project or not, I will be bringing them up in this review.

Cultural elements/Background music/Fundamental core: now there are cultural elements in this project and I think in the opening section there are some characters using another language without subtitles being used. The background music at different points throughout this project is just annoying, moving on to the fundamental core to this project, well it is just painful to watch, I was getting bored with this sequel what with time jumps, place jumps, words on screen, some form of slow-motion effects, mental imagery of our lead role putting something together in his mind [I apologize if I have forgotten something, but I think you get the point.]

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, combat sequences and the standard things that accompany them. I mean if I had to pick a sequence of events that was interesting, well it would have to be where our lead role is swimming [in a swimming pool] he swims to underneath this bridge and there is an evildoer with a gun on this bridge, in a nutshell our lead role brings this evildoer into the water and takes care of business, this sequence from beginning to end is something different and nicely put together.

Cast/Storyline: I am not too sure if it is generally speaking the cast or the storyline which makes this film poor or a mixture of both. Because Church is a good character performed by Michael Rooker and when I say a good character, I mean he tries to make things work and watchable [but this character/performer needs to be on screen for his presence to take effect,] he does such a good job that if I could I would have suggested that this script would have been re-written for this character/performer to spend more time on screen, so by using this character/performer more hopefully this project would have a better fundamental core to it and not forgetting his dialogue exchanges are good elements as well.

Damo performed by Temuera Morrison, this is another character/performer which does try to do something good with what has been given to him [without giving too much away] at least this character/performer feels and looks reliably interesting as the lead evildoer.]

But for the rest of the characters/performers they range from poor to okay and this storyline or script whatever word you would like to use, it is poor.

This film receives: 27% approval, now taking everything into consideration this percentage just about feels right, because throughout this review I have tried to point out some good elements about this sequel, but then again I did find elements of this title tiresome.

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