Monday 29 January 2018

Yogi Bear 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Yogi Bear 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Voice-over elements/Storyline/Fundamental core: there are voice-over elements at some points in this title; the storyline is poor moving on to the fundamental core, it is a mixture between slow to moving slightly quicker than slow.

Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo: these two characters are okay, they are voiced by Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake, the inventions are interesting and generally speaking there are some comedy moments.

Character developments of the performers you can see
on screen: now I am choosing to take it easy on them a little, because it does feel like on one hand they didn't have much to work with and on the other hand the storyline is as I have already said it is poor, but I should just point out some of the character developments on their own are annoying very, very annoying.

Environment elements: there are environment elements used in this project at different points.

This film receives: 22% approval, now taking everything into consideration this percentage of approval just about seems right, don't get me wrong I like these two main characters, but it has to be said there is a lack of imagination in this title, like for an example these two main characters, could have gone around the world looking for a new home [yes my idea may seem a little bit cheesy, but then again it would have opened up the comedy level a bit like Yogi Bear experiencing different picnic baskets from around the world or something like that,] on a side note if my headers need another line or more, so be it as long as I get the bits and pieces I want in my reviews that is what matters.

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