Friday, 5 January 2018

The Wolverine 2013 by AverageMansReviews

The Wolverine 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average

Time jumps/Subtitles/Cultural elements/
Fundamental core: now the first thing I want to say is this; there are many other elements I could have put at the beginning of this paragraph, but it would have began to sound like a shopping list [I will discuss the other elements as we go throughout this review in one way or another.]

But I will begin with the time jumps in a nutshell I don't like them, because at the beginning of this film we meet Logan at one point [the audience doesn't get told anything on screen,] then it switches from that to Logan and Jean Grey saying something in bed and then he wakes up somewhere else [dream or dreams back to back] then [after the first set of closing credits the audience gets this time jump of two years I know it is two years because it says it on screen.]

The subtitles are very, very, very annoying because this film either doesn't use them or another character tells Logan [us the audience] what has just been said or this film uses subtitles and when the subtitles are being used yes they are of decent size, but because they are white, they will clash now and again with anything underneath them which is white or a similar colour to white, here is a great idea why doesn't the film industry go back to using a black box or thick black outline around the words so most of the time the words do not clash with anything underneath them, because the scene and the subtitles have been separated from one another, on a side note there are cultural elements throughout this film title from beginning to end.

Moving on this fundamental core to this project is messy, now don't get me wrong when this film moves consistently forward it is okay, but as soon as this film uses the Jean Grey elements or the memory recall element this film kind of stops [it is a strange mixture between stops and slows down,] but anyway you look about it these elements just unsettle the movement of this title and as I have already illustrated this film doesn't exactly move quick in the first place, it just consistently moves forward and that is about it so when these elements get used this film has to find its footing again and then move on consistently until the next time this situation happens.

Action sequences: I have mixed opinions on these elements as well, one-on-one on top of the train sequence is cool it shows good imagination and it is entertaining, the one-on-one night time raining sequence is of a high quality indeed and the one vs. many sequence is well put together [if you would like me to be a little bit more specific on this action sequence it is where one character gets many arrows,] that is all I can say because I am trying not to give too much away.

But now for the rest of them they are okay and I don't like anything to do with the Silver Samurai, he just gets a big no for me I don't like anything about him in the slightest.

Cast: in a nutshell they all do okay, but now and again some dialogue exchanges do become distant and not forgetting now and again switching from one language to another including sometimes with or without subtitles, let's just say things do get a little bit confusing.

This film receives: 53% approval now taking everything into consideration this percentage just about feels right, there are some good elements to this project but in a nutshell this film is just hard work to watch [just for the record I am aware the Logan and Jean Grey dream at the beginning of this film is not a time jump, but in fairness this is how the film begins.]

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