Saturday 27 January 2018

Ghost in the Shell 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Ghost in the Shell 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed to be honest with you I was sitting down watching this film thinking now and again "How am I going to put this down in a review."

Subtitles/Cultural elements/Background music/
Fundamental core: the subtitles are okay, there is one scene where a character is using another language without subtitles and there are cultural elements. Now when the background music is in effect it is very easy to pick up on and it does nothing for me.

The fundamental core: well I don't know what to say about it really because at some point I will be bringing it up again, but in a different way, generally speaking I found this fundamental core hard work to settle with, we have words on screen, time jumps and placed jumps in this film.

Artistic visions/Special-effects/Action sequences: yes this film is a visual experience on many different levels throughout this project, but it is either I have been around films or projects for too long, but there is a large piece of me that says "Yes this project is a visual experience, but it does feel like this film relies on it somewhat." The special-effects on any level for the first couple of times is excellent, but somehow it turns from being excellent to good to reasonable to "Okay you can stop leaning on the artistic visions or the special-effects so much." Don't get me wrong there are some occasions where it doesn't lean on it so much, but let me put it this way it wasn't the storyline or anything else which was beginning to bore me it was the special-effects and the artistic visions, the action sequences are okay, generally speaking there are plenty of things happening in them.

Cast: now like I said earlier I would be bringing up the fundamental core again, every recurring character in this project carries this film [as long as they are on screen.] Their performances are okay to a reliably interesting standard, the dialogue exchanges are good talking about things that are happening at that point in the film and ghost elements [I don't want to talk about this dialogue exchange for too long, because the scene I am making reference to has been well put together including this one-on-one dialogue exchange] and the word ghost will make better sense to you when or if you choose to watch this film or not.

This film receives: 38% approval, this title does have or did have some potential to be a great film, but for some reason it ended up being a project which doesn't deliver its potential. On a side note I am going to be replacing the word average with the word mixed in my opening line when it is appropriate, because it gives me a little bit more flexibility with the percentages of approval and if you have been reading my reviews I am incredibly grateful. I'm just taking out things that either don't work in my reviews and maybe replacing them with bits and pieces that may work better.

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