Wednesday 30 August 2017

Pacific Rim 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Pacific Rim 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is a mixed bag for me.

Idris Elba as Stacker Pentecost and Ron Perlman as Hannibal Chau: these are the only two characters I like in this project, their dialogue exchanges individually are gripping, passionate and a bit comical [in a nutshell every time they are on screen I became interested in this film.]

Remaining characters: but for everyone else's character developments, well how can I put this nicely; it was like watching paint dry [I should clarify one little detail, I am specifically talking about their character developments and nothing else.] But I digress their character developments are incredibly weak and insufferable, within a couple of seconds meeting these characters for the first time I could tell you so much about them, such as the partial love interest, the character which is going to bring our lead character some friction to begin with and towards the three-quarter stage roughly come to respect our lead character, not forgetting not one but two scientists characters that bring this kind of intelligence yet comical element which really, really, really isn't that funny and these are just some examples of the character developments which this film has to offer its audiences.

Storyline/Subtitles: well this was boring, just for the record I am not too sure if it is just a mixture between the character developments and the storyline or if it was just the character developments which made the storyline seem boring. But either way I found the storyline difficult to follow based on the fact I was bored [I understood the storyline with no problems and it makes sense.] Subtitles they are okay-ish, they are big enough, just not my favourite text on screen not in the slightest [I mean this from a reading perspective not an artistic vision perspective.]

Action sequences/Artistic visions: the thing is when this film actually settles down into its strengths, it can be entertaining especially when you have these hard-hitting action-packed sequences that have these big monsters being very aggressive in their attacking styles and these giant robot machines [which have two human beings inside them,] using many different methods of attacks to try and overcome the monster which they are facing.

The artistic visions are many to see throughout this project, it could be the camera angles to illustrate how big these robots machines or monsters are and not forgetting how they actually move and all that kind of thing. The detail on these monsters themselves has to be highly praised, because from a visual perspective the audience can clearly see how much detail has gone into these monsters, the landscapes are another interesting element as well as there has been good varieties used here [as in these action-packed sequences take place anywhere,] it keeps the action-packed sequences nice and fresh, I mean they are interesting, but with the backdrops changing locations they can use different ideas in different backdrops.

This film receives 50% approval: to be honest this is the only percentage that consistently kept coming up in my mind, because there are some really good elements, but also there are some really boring elements to this project as well [I had to take one or two stops because something came up.]

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