Sunday 27 August 2017

Lawless 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Lawless 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: my opinions about this film title are really mixed.

Tom Hardy, Jason Clarke and Gary Oldman: put in some great performances with their dialogue exchanges and stage presence [it should be noted that Gary Oldman's appearances are limited, but it is always good to see this performer in a title.]

But I digress; Hardy and Clarke, individually or together have a really good understanding of their character developments and family connections. The audience will get a good sense when at least one of these characters are on screen that this film has a good idea of what is coming next and so on and so forth.

I have to ask this rhetorical question What is it with one other character's eyebrows? [This has nothing to do with the three characters I have been discussing,] they just look really, really strange. You will be able to notice them, because they are either not there or something has gone wrong with them, I just have no idea what happened here.]

But to be polite without these three performers on screen at some point in these sequences, this film is quite slow and I have to ask another rhetorical question [What is it with this background music?] It is really off-putting and it just makes the film feel really stretched out.

Action sequences: they are impactful and well put together.

This film receives: 58% approval, if there are any fans of Hardy, Clark or Oldman [keeping in mind his appearances are limited,] give this film a look, but from an overview perspective this film is good-ish for a one time viewing but that would be it.

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