Friday 7 July 2017

XXX 2002 by AverageMansReviews

XXX 2002 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now you may have noticed now and again I give higher marks or percentages to films that know what they are, I should explain this a little bit more, I am sure that most of you out there in Internet land have seen at least one film that knows in its self what it is from beginning to end. This basically means as it relates to this title, this film is a high-octaned, action-packed, loud and in-your-face film title that doesn't claim to be anything other than what I have just said, so I don't find it difficult to criticize projects like these, but I have to be realistic in my approach, because in some cases you cannot blame a film title for being what it has been designed to be.

Music: this element would back up my opinion straightaway, because as soon as the film begins with the audience hearing/seeing the legendary and iconic Rammstein performing [the track Feuer frei!] It does set the tone for the rest of the film with other music tracks being used in the background at different points in this project as well.

Action: I should point out that these action-packed sequences are big in every way possible, I don't think this film knows how to do anything small, when I say big, it could mean length of minutes used on screen or weapons or vehicles or special effects -- explosions for an example or hand-to-hand combat or different landscapes or just in case if I have missed anything out, there are many other aspects [what can I say; at least you will not miss them when they are on screen.]

Performances: this cast all know their characters really well, generally speaking the performances are reliable and engaging.

This film receives: 90% approval, this film is enthusiastic action, action as I have already said in a different way, I can't really criticize this film too much, it sticks to its assets or positive elements and basically avoids anything that this film doesn't feel comfortable doing or it doesn't have the skills to do so, in a nutshell yes the storyline may be basic and straightforward. But when you have many different things happening on screen, the straightforwardness of the storyline isn't much of a problem to begin with.

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