Thursday 27 July 2017

The Last Boy Scout 1991 by AverageMansReviews

The Last Boy Scout 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is one of those kinds of projects that you can watch once in a while and it will entertain you.

Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans Sr.: have consistently great chemistry on screen, in fact I would go one more step further and say this would be the strongest asset to this project, basically without saying too much we have two characters from two different worlds, one is an older cynical person, whilst the other is younger and he is discovering that life may indeed keep giving him more downs than ups, it is how he chooses to get through them that matters.

Action sequences: plenty of weapons being used and explosions.

Mature comedy flavours: the only comedy elements I can make reference to in this review, would be the puppet sequences they are funny. Yes just for the record the other comedy elements are funny as well, but because they are of mature or adult meanings or varieties I cannot put them here.

Halle Berry as Cory: honourable mention, it is always good to see Halle Berry in a film title.

This film receives: 78% approval, this film is good and it has an excellent partnership in Bruce and Damon to take their audiences in for a touchdown.

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