Wednesday 26 July 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 3] Episode 18: Creatures from the Tar Swamp by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 3] Episode 18: Creatures from the Tar Swamp by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is a mixed bag, yes some elements of the storyline have been based around Orko and then just before the second half of this episode, it focuses on something different [without giving too much away,] Skeletor takes over the majority of the storyline. Orko and his storyline takes a backseat, don't get me wrong it is still there but it is just in the background which I have to say is a good thing, because Orko's storyline wasn't going anywhere particularly quick.

Action sequences: these elements are entertaining especially when the audience sees this massive creature which is very strong and presents a good challenge for He-Man and his associates and from an overview perspective every action-packed sequence has something to offer in one way or another.

Ending message: well it is something like this; you don't have to buy things, so people will be your friend, just be yourself and people will want to be your friend.

This episode receives: 60% approval, how can I put this really nicely; as soon as Skeletor takes over a heavy amount of this episode, it instantaneously becomes a much better episode.

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