Monday 17 July 2017

Minions 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Minions 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now usually I don't do this so early on in a review, but in this case I will make an exception. The only good things about this film title are the animation [it is colourful and eye-catching,] the storyline elements involving the Minions origin's or any storyline elements involving just the Minions themselves and how could I forget Geoffrey Rush as [the narrator.]

Storyline: the rest of the storyline elements are predictable and so, so boring [I almost fell asleep twice whilst watching this film title.]

Comedy flavour: when the Minions are on their own, the comedy elements used are consistently entertaining, but when there are any other characters on screen with the Minions, these elements are tedious to watch because you can kind of work out what kind of things are going to happen, before they happen.

On a side note: I was hoping when this film came out they were just going to focus on the Minions themselves or perhaps allow this film title to either be completely narrated or just have the Minions on their own speaking in their unique dialogue exchanges/body language [because it would have been something different and most of the audience can kind of work out what the Minions are saying to one another anyway] or have a mixture between the narration and the Minions communicating to one another, anyway you look about it, it would have been something much better than what we have in this project.

This film receives: 30% approval, this project receives this percentage based on what I have said in my opening paragraph, but if you're looking for a clean cut ending to this review, I will leave it like this; if you haven't seen this project yet, give it a go but I really wouldn't expect too much.

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