Monday 24 July 2017

Hulk 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Hulk 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now there is one thing I want to make absolutely clear from the beginning of this review, I like this character [Hulk,] so with that being said I really, really, truly do not like this film.

Split screens/Memory recalls/Special-effects: well the list I have just listed off does absolutely nothing for me, in fact all it does is it reminds me never to watch this project again [it is confession time it took me two sittings to get through this project in one day and secondly the only reason I watched this project again was so that I could do this review.]

Action sequences: yes they are big and loud, but once again they didn't stimulate my interest at all, I actually found them to be quite annoying, because throughout these sequences you can see Hulk in some kind of discomfort and this should not be the case [because they are just shooting him with military weapons.]

In fact he should have been getting more and more stronger as he obviously became more and more angrier and sometimes the audience gets to see what I mean, but not every single time [it is like an afterthought as it relates to Hulk's personality traits.]

Cast: they all try to give this project some kind of momentum or enthusiasm as best as they can, but with all the negative elements which I have discussed in this review including the fact that this film project is roughly 138 minutes long, the cast are having to carry this film at every stage until the ending credits.

This film receives: 4% approval, as I have already said I just really don't like this film [when this review goes out it will be at the beginning of the Summer holidays 2017, so if you are struggling to find things to do with your children and they are in the right age bracket, take them through the legendary Incredible Hulk TV program from 1978 to 82.

But this version of him [Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrignois] is legendary. Yes for those argumentative people out there in Internet land I have no problems with the version of Bruce Banner/Hulk currently being used in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe] performed by Mark Ruffalo.

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