Friday, 7 February 2025

Average Extra of: Seemingly Gino D'Acampo is the next head on the chopping block for 2024/2025 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Seemingly Gino D'Acampo is the next head on the chopping block for 2024/2025 by AverageMansReviews

Heavy Warning: there will be censored adult language references, I will be brutally honest in this content, neither am I defending this individual, but I am also not getting out my pitchfork, so you have been warned from the outset.

Related content: Average Extra of: Greg Wallace of Inappropriate Behaviour on BBC's Masterchef 2024 Link and then Hulk Hogan does it again on the day of President Trump's second inauguration Monday 20/01/2025 Link

Real Talking Time:

Stop crying and grow the fudge up!: So from the outset let's talk about what is really happening here; it is TV's cleansing, a few months ago it was Gregg Wallace, now it is Gino D'Acampo, who is it next Mr. Blobby or Barney the Dinosaur for being friendly with children?

I am getting sick to my back teeth of hearing this shish kebab garbage, as far as I am concerned D'Acampo has done nothing and I repeat nothing majorly wrong and I understand that some people have spoken to him about his behaviour, so what I mean it generally and honestly so what. D'Acampo has always been D'Acampo a passionate and somewhat outspoken individual: that is what you get with him or Wallace or even Ricky Gervais and people like this.

But there is the honest truth that most people want like to hear some of these allegations go years and years back, so as a fairer and reasonable adult what you're telling me is; these adults that are now playing the victim card, didn't speak up at the time and I mean right on the spot, I don't care who you are; you could be Queen consort Camilla [I refuse to call her Queen] or Terry Bollea a.k.a. Hulk Hogan, if I don't like you I will be a professional, but if at the time you say or do something wrong I will call you out on it, I don't care who you are, we are here to do a job and on a personal note; if these things were said or done can I just say; you are a bunch of cowards for either not saying something at the time or not sticking up for a work colleague at the time or anything.

Yes I may come from a different world as I am disabled in a wheelchair from birth, but I have built up a reputation of someone that knows quite a lot of things from this lifestyle, so I often use this expression when someone new for whatever reason comes in my life; I am a very nice guy, whatever you do don't rattle my cage. Meaning I am very laid-back, but don't take me as likely as not being threatening it is just simply highlighting, my body may be in one way or another fudged up but minus my mental health my brain still functions on some levels, in a nutshell still very much aware of what is going on around me.

So with this being stated I can now move on to this; it has been alleged from an individual that in a nutshell they went to go and talk to D’Acampo about something to do with it TV program on some level; where he allegedly opens the door in his underwear and it doesn't matter what ever happened next, because my point is this; why didn't this individual just simply say something to the effect of; I will wait out here until you have some clothing on. Or if she had to go in either remind him to put on some clothing or ignore it regardless of what came out of his mouth or better yet just get up and leave; citing the reason for leaving; unworkable conditions so if allegedly a body part could be seen, you stand up and left; completely understandable and potentially have more respectful you if you did but for any reason you had to come back and be professional, so you may be wondering what is the connection between this paragraph and this one; the connection being in some situations I cannot get away depending on the situation, but this woman could get up and walk out the door, but she didn't.

But the really uncomfortable reality and the effects as I see them; this is just another case of how I have already said TV cleansing or better yet modern cleansing, but I find it amusing that all of these individuals have either waited all this time or/and haven't got a backbone, considering this is called real life and as I have already illustrated I deal with real life every day, to the extent that keeping this polite as I can; I have to deal with comments; being stopping a leech on society, maybe paying for sex and other comments, including but not limited to being treated as scum of the bottom of your shoe, having to look down because I don't want to anger somebody for glancing not deliberately at their chest area because unfortunately in my chair when you are over 5 foot my head comes up to chest height on a woman.

All we are actually doing is empowering women in the wrong way; to say that if you don't like something the slightest something you don't like; scream for the hills and we will come running regardless if the woman is actually baiting [or not] for any sexual comments or gratification; be it in the way they are dressed or if they are looking for a free drink or getting any form of financial payment or anything. I mean like it or not as a man I know for a fact that if any woman will make any allegations about me; they would have a tendency to stick around on me regardless if I can physically do these things which I can't, which leads me onto my next point; then I have other women telling me something to the effect of shut up and be a man, I mean it is somewhat difficult to be a man, when you are in some way or another being castrated, for an example and an excellent example at that; as a man it is apparently acceptable for the woman to take all their previous experiences of dealing with my gender and then take it out on me. But then I have done this quite a few times just to make this point; even though I am meant to apparently with your logic be held responsible because I have a penis and the second I take a little, a smidgen of my experience with women out on you; you don't want to hear it and furthermore you don't want to take responsibility for it, so if I say I am the way that women have made me, they wouldn't stomach it; most of you are quite happy bashing me over the head with the unequal disparity between the genders.

Look it is now 2025; and people have said they want equality and I have said this many times throughout the years; equality simply means as equals and as I have experienced women generally speaking don't want to give up their leverage; they want to pick and choose what parts of equality they want which is not in essence equality, because for a primitive example but a good example nonetheless; they could knowingly and willingly make me horny and for whatever reason they will leave me horny, they will say it is not my problem; but they wear a willing participant to leave me in this position; but they just wanted control over the situation.

You see if or when I have children; son or daughter or son and daughter; they will be educated in life. In a nutshell if something doesn't smell right or look right; just walk away I don't care if it is in school, college or in the real world, you values either I will pass on to you or you have learnt through life. So an example if I had a daughter come home and tell me I was in a sticky situation of this massively inappropriate behaviour, I would feel immensely proud as she took care of business and said enough is enough and stood up for herself or/and others, as she didn't wait and see it on it, she dealt with it there and then.

So as you can see talking about D'Acampo has a lot of sub bits and pieces and until we get to the point where we talk about the entire problem of these situations of  D'Acampo in this case allegedly or frankly we stopped raising snowflakes where everything offends them and you know educating them to have a hard skin and talking about genuine equality without going to be stuck in a situation where it is going to be a conveyor belt of next favourite month to be cancelled to lose everything.

It really does seem fitting that I leave this content on this point: you are aware that not once but twice now the people of the United States of America have voted in one President Donald J. Trump. Meaning he is the poster man that embodies these alleged behaviours from D'Acampo, but clearly so, so much worse; but then again is fit apparently which I question to run a entire country.


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