Monday, 6 January 2025

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE Royal Rumble 2026 to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE Royal Rumble 2026 to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh by AverageMansReviews

Warning: okay let's just say it as it is; there will be censored adult language in this content.

What do you want me to say?: This turn of events just appeared all over the place and yes I have done some general research and when I say general I mean it in the case of: so this is not a joke then? Oh fudge it is no joke. I am furious with these turn of events, but the only reason and I do mean this; the only reason I am not showing or displaying anger is because; I think most of us or all of us knew that this was going to happen, okay we didn't know when, but we had a feeling that some point down the line it was going to be on the cards.

I was just hoping, I know it's crazy that deep down I was hoping that when Mr. McMahon had left that the WWE would have gathered some kind of moral compass, I know who am I kidding right?

It has to be said that does anyone remember [obviously I am talking to those people that can remember or know what I am talking about:] does anyone remember the good old days when you/we thought Mr McMahon was the problem? No I don't want him back, I am just saying that remember when we were under the impression he was the problem? Yes I know he was the problem, but my point is clearly this; he isn't around anymore and they have taken this decision to move this colossal event of WWE Royal Rumble 2026 and put it in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh where let's be honest we know all are not welcome including those from the rainbow community and women being not escorted by a man; so how can this big event be all inclusive and not forgetting Saudi Arabia is a dry country.

But then again we all know regardless of how we feel or think deep down all the WWE things about is money and they can talk about/or try and put over that they are a progressive promotion, but this is just another occasion of them forgetting what they preach when it really counts; so it may be a relatively new regime, but still old WWE, but every cloud has a silver lining; which would be in this case; for those that criticise AEW you can now get off their back, because yes they have problems, but compared to what the WWE has just done, you can look in your own back yard now. Hell you don't even have to like AEW I couldn't give two shish kebabs if you do or don't, but at least they try to hit places where all are welcome.

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