Average Extra/Review of: "Doctor Who" Joy to the World Christmas Special 2024 by AverageMansReviews
Warning: there will be using adult censored
language, but probably more than I usually do and this will act as a review of
sorts just so that I never have to watch it again and I have no doubt I will be
controversial at some point as well. There is flashing effects/colourful
effects/disintegrating/transformation/medical/suicide/references to real life
Real Talking/Review Time:
content is really well and truly not going to be easy reading so you have been
warned: I really don't give the fudge who
owns the rights to Doctor Who be it Disney or/and the BBC or both of you. This
Christmas special was and is an absolute disgrace and everyone involved should
be ashamed of themselves for basically exploiting essentially the past 4 years.
Be it the ramifications of COVID-19 and the consequences of that be it directly
or indirectly such as in my case whilst this was happening I was going through
a real life cancer situation including but not limited to myself being heavily
disabled on top as well so, for those people that went through COVID-19 where
you may or may not have lost people, I didn't lose anyone because of this, but
I am/was in the other section of our society that were dealing with a real life
situation with another member of family that survived cancer, so as you can tell
I have earned my stripes to talk about this.
do you get off really? From reference to mansplaining and parties whilst Joy
Almondo's mother dies in hospital including the Doctor being stuck in a
location for a year [to symbolise: Lockdown] not forgetting references to
lesbian and Almondo essentially committing suicide to save her mother from pain
and suffering. So take it from at least two people that know what they are
talking about my mother and myself when we say; do we fudge want to go through
the last four years again and neither do we want to see it played out on TV
over Christmas when be it COVID-19 or cancer or anything else that reminds
individuals of their family members that either didn't make it or possibly this
was their last Christmas or reminded of the possible future to come or anything
else that makes them remember.
mean for fudge sake! Have some common decency, I mean this is where I am not
going to pull my punches when I say; we are now looking at any form in this
case let's just limit it to TV and film [but I know it is all/everywhere] where
it is now completely acceptable to come out with this garbage; as long as we
enpower women or/and anyone from the rainbow community; the rest of us have to
suck it up and keep our mouths shut and no before you start saying: this is
just another white man angry at the balance of power shifting from him to
others. Newsflash dip manures I never had any power to begin with as I have
clearly stated when it is fudgin' appropriate I was born with a disability so I
have never known what white or male privileges, but I have known for my entire
life what it is like to be seen as a third-rate citizen in the UK because of my
disability, then mental health and then from I would say about 14 years old to
ongoing into my 40's now and getting worse what it is been like to A. Being
overlooked are and last chosen for everything including but not limited to that
dating and so on and B. Being blamed for things I haven't done simply because I
am a man especially even more so in today's society.
for those younger generations this is what a genuine adult trigger/triggering
experience looks like this; as in what you get triggered about is essentially
trivial garbage, but when a fully fledged adult gets triggered as you can see
there is real substance in this content where, all I wanted to with my family
member is sit down with, which thanks to the NHS she is still able to have my
mother/carer and to live our lives in hectic piece. But no we sat down to watch
this episode and for two people with also individually mental health illnesses
we just got reminded about the past 4 years, so thanks for that [for those that
cannot pick up sarcasm, yes I was being sarcastic.]
finish off: for those spiteful people that are now saying something to the
effect of: we don't have to watch and/or you can just turn it off or over. Well
firstly this outlook very much sums up the outlook I have been discussing and
secondly that is precisely what I'm going to do. Yes this TV show under this Doctor
Who and everyone associated with it has one more episode as in, if it doesn't
get any better which I know deep down it probably won't, but basically it has a
one and done approach from me. Meaning just one more episode anything like this
and I am done and just for the record I think after this Christmas special my
mother is done as in done; done. I mean I'm not going to force watch the next
season/episode, because you know there are some things that you can push your
parents on, but likewise there are some things that you can't and this is one
of those situations where you know; alongside the words, body language and
room, that says don't push me on this, which just for the record to make sure I
come out as a nice guy I wouldn't anyway, but just one more manure episode and
even I am done; done.
Review: so here we go, so that I don't have to review it again.
The script, framework and pacing of this 56 minutes special is perfectly
designed to make its audience get every subtext of what is happening this
futuristic cruise ship concept from an artistic perspective was excellent,
highly imaginative, the character developments were poor and the performances
were if this is what they were going for they hit the jackpot.
This Christmas special receives: 1/10; this is poor; and I am completely being honest
with you just one more manure episode/special released from this or anyone
connected to this Doctor Who, I am done; done.
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