Saturday, 23 November 2024

The WWE Network to shutdown 01/01/2025 & A little announcement by AverageMansReview

The WWE Network to shutdown 01/01/2025 & A little announcement by AverageMansReview

Just a quick announcement to cover my back: this is just for any eventuality; I saw on social media yesterday basically in my opinion an inevitable announcement from the WWE regarding the WWE Network as of 01/01/2025 it will be shutting down. Which as I have already referenced I was under the impression that this was inevitable anyway based on Netflix paying $5 billion for the rights, you don't drop that kind of money without certain guarantees being put in place.

But as it relates to me, I will be joining this subscription service as soon as I can sit down for more than five minutes coming I know I was meant to sit down and do it on 01/10/2024, but content creating and life in general has a habit of getting in the way. I did very briefly actually to be honest until I saw where it had something to the effect of this is some historic content or something to that effect will be going over to Netflix, now this word "some" got me thinking so based on the wording I will be trying to still cover all content such as any WCW or other, this is why I haven't touched it for some months, because I don't know what the future holds, they probably will have some content on there, it is just a didn't want to start anything new just to run out of time, because I like variety in creating content, in one way or another I would love to keep it going, but I just don't know what content will be available on  Netflix come 2025. I should finish by saying this content; is not in any way shape or form meant to scaremonger any individual, I will continue creating wrestling content, but I just needed to cover my back for any/all eventualities.


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