Saturday, 2 November 2024

Marvel Luke Cage [Season 1,] Episode 1: Moment of Truth by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Luke Cage [Season 1,] Episode 1: Moment of Truth by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: these reviews/content for this TV show will work under the rules of between 3 to 5 things about this episode and I will censor these reviews/content, when I feel it is appropriate to do so or at the very least the best to my abilities.

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: this TV program is only suitable for 15-year-olds and up; there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/breaking/shooting/torture/references to Russia

Welcome to Harlem: Art, Action, Character [Character developments] and Audience: the intro to this TV program has an urban presentation which without not stating the obvious and clearly not being racial is highly appropriate based on this TV program is set in Harlem; brief description; we have a statue of our lead character throwing a punch slowly need to the end of the ending credits we have this punching through a brick wall type of effect when his name coming up [amongst other things relating to this location,] as it may suggest this individual that goes by the name of Luke Cage is a big African-American man that isn't afraid to throw a punch/get physical, but it also indicates he is made of harder stuff which he will use to protect those that may not have the abilities to stand up for themselves. Now this is where I should really stress if I haven't made this clear enough already, I don't have a problem with language being used in this TV program, but all I would suggest is; mature teenagers [15 and up] to watch this program, based on the usage of the N word, which clearly will pop up from time to time.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; as it just welcomes us into this TV program with doing the basics and giving us a little taster of what it has to offer.



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