Marvel Iron Fist [Season 1,] Episode 6: Immortal Emerges from Cave by AverageMansReviews
Review Time:
5 things about this episode
Warning: this TV program is only suitable for 18-year-olds and up;
there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/animal cruelty/self
Deal accepted: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Art; Rand/Iron Fist goes to the turf of this individual from the Marvel Universe/Netflix; the deal of this combat; if you win yes you can have this individual, if you lose basically you can stay out of our business. So let's just talk about the first battle for an example; Rand/Iron Fist takes on these two individuals in this ring of blood whomever steps outside of it loses and yes as you have surely come to expect/accept by now this action sequence is hard-hitting and from an artistic perspective; some people may find the ring of blood a bit much but each stage has their own unique twist
This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; I do like the basic
Streets of Rage video game concept and execution of that concept.
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