Friday 4 October 2024

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 5: World on Fire by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 5: World on Fire by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/Russian elements/kamikaze/shooting/burning/torture/medical

From the back of this vehicle: Storyline, Art, Character [Character developments] and Action; we are with an individual in the back seat with us with two individuals are in the front and we are heading somewhere, we stop. I know the art and character developments come into effect earlier, but I am just picking up from where they really smartly and elegantly went into another level as to be as immersive as possible. As these two individuals in a nutshell get out of the car and head into this location; the camera becomes more as animated to represent us the viewers, as we look around which also includes these individuals having to deal with Attorney Murdoch as he puts foot to posterior.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; it has lots going on in one way or another and obviously it just keeps things going at a very high quality and pacing


Thursday 3 October 2024

Madame Web 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Madame Web 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/childbirth/shooting/stabbing/electrocution/choking/vehicle crashing/vehicle hit and run/squashing/burning/breaking/medical

I hope some heads rolled for this one: basically; in 2003; New York we meet paramedic  Cassandra "Cassie" Webb/Madame Web [Dakota Johnson:] as after this accident she begins to experience these strange goings on even when she has seen this situation play out before and learning more about herself, she can protect and educate others.

Generally speaking: what the hell do you want me to do with this script/storyline? On one aspect it is something safe and reliable and it plays out as such to give these character developments being something safe and reliable and the performances reflect that. But however on the other side of things; the character developments are shockingly appalling [just for the record yes I would use strong language to put across what I really mean but I can't.] So how do these characters get their powers/abilities and on top of that how does Webb/Madame Web learn to control her powers better? Because we don't see absolutely none of this; no literally we don't see any of this, without giving too much away Webb/Madame Web goes somewhere to find herself and then meet somebody and then comes back to the US; it's like they have missed out a massive chunk of the film, but then again I did wonder how they were going to fit everything into this film [I am far from an expert on these characters, so I am in from the perspective of this film better get a move on.] Because where we are and what I am referencing would be roughly 40 minutes of the film left, so yes on one hand the framework and pacing of this; one hand 116 minutes film allows for this dysfunctional stray teenagers/adult discovery aspect to play out, but on the other hand and consequently as I have already indicated it doesn't have much time to show us anything of continuous substance.

The only character developments, art and action; that I can speak of which is worth noting and highlighting is when Webb/Madame Web is in this much bigger world and she discovers more about herself; this is excellent and for the action we have bits and pieces on the walls and ceiling these are highly noticeable positives and Webb/Madame Web showing us a little bit of her power towards the later stages of this film to save these characters individually.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; I do question why we have some of these characters dancing on this table, when they haven't even had any alcohol and dancing for themselves/these boys, it just seems really tacky and yes I am open-minded, laid-back and easy-going. But whatever happened to getting to know these boys normally, no you have to dance on this table and come across as adult entertainers. But as I said to this person I watch some of this content with; this film is a linchpin/steppingstone to something else and on a quick side note the person I watched this film is said and I am paraphrasing here; it was okay but I digress; to cover my back I should point out this is how it looks/feels that doesn't mean that it is going anywhere, in actual fact I am not putting this on the performers, I am putting it on everyone else; but I hope this film doesn't go anywhere, because even though I have given it; what I have given it [speculation/opinion] I am hoping that it was just put out to try and recoup some of its budget back. But if it does get connected or highly doubtful it will get another project, but if it gets connected to another project, they would have to build up these characters so much just to go up to the standard of the character they are opposite, so yes what I am suggesting is they would have to do this in a project that isn't their own, which would possibly if they this route, they would run the risk of taking valuable time away from whomever's project it actually is. I mean now I have seen this film, I don't get its actual purpose, I mean there are no extra scenes to suggest anything will be connected to this project whatsoever. But having said that I am just taking two seconds to think about it and this is once again completely speculation on my part; but I just have this feeling that we may or may not see Webb/Madame Web in Venom 3 as of this content being first created hitting cinemas 08/11/2024, so if she does show up this is where I can see her appearing

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 4: In the Blood by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 4: In the Blood by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/man one woman violence/torture/breaking/drugs/elements of Russia/shooting/caving in/dismemberment/medical

Claire Temple has no idea what they is going to bring for her: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Performer and Action; today Claire Temple is going to be a rough day for her and I need to put this in as soon as possible, because if I don't now at some point I will get backlash for not bringing this up sooner, as it relates to the character of Claire Temple; she is an integral part of Netflix's Marvel Universe, so she will show up now and again [just to cover my back not in the Marvel Punisher 2017 - 2019] interpretation of the Marvel Universe and if anyone has seen all or majority or some of this universe, I know I am not alone when I say they want this version of this character in the Marvel Studios Universe with the same performer; her name is Rosario Dawson; she has made this role her very own. Murdoch is on a rescue mission and this sequence of events is hard-hitting excellence.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; when you have multiple things happening all over the place with such high-quality, as you can clearly see these high marks will probably become the norm.


Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 3: Rabbit in a Snowstorm by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 3: Rabbit in a Snowstorm by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/stabbing/cutting/impaling/suicide/caving in.

You'll see the point: Storyline, Action, Character [Character developments] and Art; after Attorney Murdoch does his day job, he does his night job and we have this fluent action sequence, where this individual gives up a name and because this individual does that, he informs us; that this individual in a nutshell version and paraphrasing is a ruthless individual that will wipe out your family just for giving up this individual's name and from an artistic perspective it is highly graphic and highly detailed.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; it just keeps things spinning and progressing rapidly whilst continuing to set the tone for the high quality of these episodes so far anyway.


Tuesday 1 October 2024

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 2: Cut Man by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 2: Cut Man by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/elements of Russia/human trafficking/medical

Claire Temple: Storyline and Character [Character developments;] after things go south for Attorney Matt Murdock in his latest mission he needs medical attention, he finds itself in the apartment of Claire Temple; she is a nurse and she works at Metro-General.

Corridor of combat: Action and Art; Attorney Murdoch is on this mission and in this location he has to take these criminals down; this entire sequence is impactful, swift and fluent with the camera work keeping up very smoothly with the action, but the camera shots never leaving this corridor, yes we can briefly look or hear what is happening in these rooms, but like am just said we never leave this corridor, just in case someone points it out I should hasten to add, yes we leave when the mission is done, but from the start until the end we don't leave as audience members.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; as it expands on the past and the present.


Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 1: Into the Ring by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 1,] Episode 1: Into the Ring by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: these reviews/content for this TV show will work under the rules of between 3 to 5 things about this episode and I will censor these reviews/content, when I feel it is appropriate to do so or at the very least the best to my abilities.

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/elements of Russia/racism/prison guard brutality/man on woman violence/strangling/hanging/drugs/human trafficking/electrocution/breaking.

Intro to this TV program: Art, Storyline and Character [Character developments;] it is masterful as we have this thick red substance and they have gone with the approach of the more red substance is being trickled down the more you can see what these things are. Perhaps roughly the storyboard is; symbolic of this place; Hell's Kitchen [Manhattan, New York] being taken over by these criminals and the pouring of this substance could mean their empire and reach. But Lady Justice and Angel Gabriel which both appear or [just to cover my back I think that is who they are individually;] give rise to their champion with devil horns.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; to be completely honest I was torn between a 9 or what I went with, on reflection I decided to give a little bit more because of the intro, it does have slow occasions, but it also lays down the groundwork to work from moving forward.