Tuesday, 28 May 2024

The Garfield Movie 2024 by AverageMansReviews

The Garfield Movie 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Speculation: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/animal feeding/cutting/electrocution/burning. I will be in speculating later on in this content

He walks back into my life: briefly; Garfield [voiced by Chris Pratt:] a once homeless kittens unofficially adopted by John, makes his new home in his own house and this kitten/now cat loves food and is lazy. But he is mistaken for his father Vic [voiced by Samuel L. Jackson:] a street cat that has gotten himself into a large mound of used kitty litter problems, without giving too much away but telling you enough Jinks [voiced by Hannah Waddingham:] a slightly unhinged Persian cat that Vic owe her something. For those wrestling fans out there we have the wrestling personality; the voice of Snoop Dogg as Maurice; Maine Coon cat; I think there was a little joke here as in Dogg as cat.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 101 minutes film is good, they have tried to take this straightforward storyline and then put Garfield's paw prints all over it, which I would deem this to be successful.

Art, action and comedy; this is warm and welcoming and I think this is as close as we are going to get without breaking the bank [I don't mean that unkindly] as we know going to get as it relates comic strip or/and the books of Garfield, unless someone in the future comes up with a graphic novel artistic approach of Garfield. But I digress; this version has that look and feel of Garfield and their surrounding characters and obviously you have to make sure it appeals to young people to hopefully get butts in seats.

Now for the comedy; worry we have Garfield breaking the fourth-wall; either to tell us the back story of how he met John or/and or is obvious weight issues at the vets, I have a feeling that someone really likes Tom Cruise as we have not one, not two but three references to him either based on background music of Mission Impossible or Top Gun or/and referencing him doing his own stunts. We also have as it relates to the action yet comical skit comedy as it relates to Garfield in this case falling down this area and coming up on this big block of cheese, whilst eating a little bit of it and ranking it, he also gets treated like a tennis ball between this train and two trees going back and forth through this train with both entrances open to allow him to fly through.

Character developments and voice performances: the character developments are straightforward safe and reliable versions of what they are meant to be and the voice performances are likewise all good; but the cast itself is well established so hypothetically speaking if they were to bring out a sequel that some point in the future, they would do well to bring these voices back if they need them in the sequel.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; I should point out that I am a cat owner and on top of that I like Garfield anyway, but putting all that to one side; this is a pleasant little film , I hope they come out with a sequel, because this film in hindsight feels like it looks like a foundation film title to potentially build let's go for a trilogy I should very quickly point out and state that I hope meaning, I don't know so I don't want to be criticised if it doesn't materialise even if we don't get the sequel and finally there up to 5 extra bits and pieces in one way or another; in or at the end of the closing credits.




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