Monday 13 May 2024

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Speculation: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/slavery/burning/ritual/impaling/shooting/drowning/strangling/dismemberment/breaking/electrocution. Speculation; in the way of hope for the future of this franchise

Many generations have passed since we have been here: briefly; Noa [motion capture/voice performance by Owen Teague:] he is a chimpanzee that goes on a rescue mission, to save his tribe and on his travels he meets Raka [motion capture/voice performance by Peter Macon:] he is a bornean orangutan, wise and he believes in the workings of Caesar and then we have Nova/other name [Freya Allan:] she seems more intelligent than most humans, to begin with her motives are unclear.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing is really, really slow to that point where I was struggling to stay awake, which when I tell you the time length of this film, without seeing it you can partially understand why; it goes on for 145 minutes and to be honest a good 25 minutes of that could have been taken off. For the beginning stages of this film, things just amble along without much to do. Basically it needs a swift kick up the backside, for the rest of the film it moves along at a good pace.

Art and action; this for like 99.9% is visually pleasing as there is nature with zebbras making an appearance and on top of that we have some levels lowbrow technology with using ropes and that kind of level of technology. For the action this is also good, there seems to be one small moment, where the green screen that looks a bit off, but it is a very small moment and I guess if I wasn't looking at that second in time I would have most likely missed it, but generally speaking when the action sequences come into effect in this sequel; they are all good.

Character developments, motion capture/voice performance and performances; the foursome including Proximus Caesar  [motion capture/voice performance by Kevin Durand:] he is a bonobo and he rules this kingdom, he is also trying to get this door to open. This foursome in their roles do their parts to move this franchise into hopefully a new era; I hope so. [Now just to cover my back, because I know what the future holds, so this is just based on here and now.] They have situated Noa to take over from Caesar, but I can't say there is enough not to replace Caesar, but to in his own way carry on leading apes in his own way, but he is still learning and growing into a leader of apes and without giving too much away Nova/other name to carry on her story [when you see this film, you will understand why I am a little bit vague here.]But for everyone else they were good versions of what they are meant to be and their performances reflected that also.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; now don't get me wrong it really has to turn the ship around, but that and everything gets on the same page, it is really difficult to give anything less; even the 7/10, this looks too low; I hope at some point in the future they continue the franchise, because they have left it in a good spot, to do the least another film based on here and now, I mean I will leave this here; because I usually bring up extra bits and pieces as in I indicate them; so if you really want to stick around them is sound effects right at the end of the closing credits and that is it.


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