Wednesday 21 February 2024

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 2017 12/02/2017 Match 3 Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 2017 12/02/2017 Match 3 Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects. Disclaimer I am not a medical professional so I can only speak from my experiences so anything I say later is just based on my opinions/speculation.

Match/Stipulations: Beauty & The Man Beast: Heath Slater & Rhino vs. "The Fashion Police" Breezango: Tyler Breeze & Fandango; Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship currently held by American Alpha: Chet Gable & Jason Jordan: Additional; the winner of each fall/match faces the next tag team; until the last team is standing and they are your WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 5/10

On Commentary: Tom Phillips, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Mauro Ranallo & David Otunga 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 37/60 - this match/match slot is good.

Comments: well to be fair the attribute marks on this match slot is a fair reflection. Well it depends where you are in this match slot sometimes the crowd are there and sometimes, they couldn't care; you know that whole attitude of I am just going to get something to eat and possibly go to the bathroom that kind of thing, which I couldn't blame them really. The crowd were not buying for most parts what the WWE are selling here and on top of that yet again we have this situation where Ranallo has honestly made a few mistakes and the other three are picking up on it; where he makes reference to Hell In A Cell [when it should have been Elimination Chamber] Otunga and Phillips made some comments which were fine, because they were on the ball and generally speaking pulling him up on it. But then we have Layfield going up and beyond making reference to drinking/sobriety test; do you know what the saddest thing is? Ranallo knew he was going to get some stick as he says Damn it [you can tell by his voice he is trying to smile it off and trying to enjoy himself,] as he basically gave Layfield and opened door and then later on Ranallo made a reference to The Usos: Jey& Jimmy Usos being related and Layfield basically highlighting they are twins. So my point here is very simple; at no point is Layfield getting off Ranallo's back its like every time Ranallo makes the most tiniest mistake or something Layfield can use against him; Layfield is there to crucify him and yes I will overlook the other two, because they gave Ranallo some stick here but they backed off. So it isn't like I am being overly protective of Ranallo because of his mental health [I am not a medical professional but I also have mental health issues myself.] But there is what these two have done here and there is what Layfield continues to do and that is get on Ranallo's back which this is just my opinion/speculation; I can completely understand why Ranallo left the WWE, if his mental health was being tested in this manner and just to finish cover my back this speculation comes into effect where we can speculate that Layfield was the problem, actually I would bet £1000 he was the problem but we only or I only know  [when this content was first dictated] that Ranallo had to step down for mental health reasons. I wouldn't mind seeing him in AEW he has a very unique way of providing commentary and very, very finely I know Ranallo said a drop to hold in this match slot at its earlier stages, but it isn't; it is just a spot where in a nutshell Fandango on the outside of the ring takes holds Slater's feet and consequently he just takes a face plant on the mat. Likewise when Jim Ross was young in particular or throughout his career to be fair and I had done this before where he has been so enthusiastic that you can overlook things like this, because I don't know about everyone else. But I would prefer a commentator of any gender being enthusiastic about their work.

Basic Result: after everything is said and done American Alpha: Chet Gable & Jason Jordan are still your WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* John "Bradshaw" Layfield & Mauro Ranallo : Commentary talk about what they have just seen over replay with American Alpha: Chet Gable & Jason Jordan's theme music "Elite"  going back to live footage with these champions and the team that had taken the fall; champions inside the ring with their championships, whilst the other team ringside on the ramp way Layfield basically congratulating the champions.

* Commercial for: WrestleMania 33/2017 in 49 days

* Tom Phillips: Commentary continues the buildup to tonight main event with The Miz with a make-up artist and his wife Maryse on-screen

* Tom Phillips, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Mauro Ranallo & David Otunga on-screen, but continuing the conversation about The Miz whilst the other two are just sitting there. Then Phillips giving thanks to the band providing the theme song for this event with their CD on-screen No Wyld with the track "Air" from the album Nomads basically now available on musical outlets. Changing of graphics to our next match Nikki Bella vs. “The Queen of the Black Hearts" Natalya, then moving on to a video package of how we came to be in this position.

* Greg Hamilton: Ring announcer saying stipulation and introducing Nikki Bella and Tom Phillips: Commentary advertising Hulu in a nutshell for WWE content and then Hamilton finishing off his duties.






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