Thursday 24 August 2023

The Circle 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Circle 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/cult/bodily functions/animal cruelty/medical

I don't say this often, but this is one of the worst films I have seen in some time: here's a nutshell of the storyline; Annie Allerton [Karen Gillan:] gets her best friend Mae Holland [Emma Watson:] a job at the company she works at known as "The Circle" ran by [Eamon Bailey:] Tom Hanks and his right-hand man Tom Stenton [Patton Oswalt:] it was originally called "True You" and its designer Ty Lafitte [John Boyega:] and he didn't design this for this purpose; basically it is basically like a social media platform.

Well all this film is; an exercise in social commentary with a undercurrent [not so undercurrent; meaning you can feel it quite clearly] of a cult twist. My opinion of this film quickly went downhill roughly about the 35 minutes mark or less to be honest. The frame work and pacing of this 110 minutes film is mobile without any great speed and melodic, which in hindsight it has been designed this way to illustrate anyone can be trapped either willingly or otherwise into this lifestyle.

Art: yes this is a very clean and tidy film project as everything looks well presented throughout such as when these two best friends get into this elevator at the premises of The Circle headquarters where this elevator shows pictures of previous events of their relationship [yes I am clutching at straws here; even unbiased or not I really don't like this film.]

Action: they were okay and did their job.

Character developments and performances: the character developments are designed to do what they are designed to do so by definition they achieved that, the only ones that I can say really stood out and were shades of glitter in this horse manure of a film were these supporting generally speaking small roles; Karen Gillan as Annie Allerton,  John Boyega as Ty Lafitte and yes Tom Hanks as Eamon Bailey; I get this character's drive as he makes reference to his son Gunnar as he has my disability cerebral palsy [I am fully aware there are many different levels of us going around; actually this was the final straw for me and this film] but that still doesn't make what "The Circle" right; it isn't his best performance, but it was still nice to see him if I was to be brutally honest I just wish he wasn't associated with this film, because it is a black mark on the films/projects he's been a part of and for the other two, I know this is a little bit of a redundant thing to say considering this film was released in 2017 and it is now 2023 [when this content was created] but I am just happy to see that they still got consistent work after this project and for Tom Hanks I am not so worried, because you will always get work, for the rest they were solid performances or poor and later on I will indicate the poor performance which I can agree with.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor: from beginning to end minus the positives I have already mentioned, this film is really unpleasant, this film also will leave you wanting as it doesn’t really have an ending and unfortunately being unbiased in its defence if the world wasn't heading this way, this film wouldn't have this level of material to work with even though it comes from a 2013 novel of the same name by Dave Eggers which also written the screenplay for this title; 2013 or 2017, it doesn't matter the world was beginning to gradually lean this way, so he was just putting up a mirror to show us a reflection. This film has some awards accredited to its name 3 Winners California on Location Awards 2016 COLA Location Team of the Year - Independent Feature Film Edward Mazurek (supervising location manager) Scott Trimble (location manager) Philip Fracassi (location coordinator) Kenton Harris (key assistant location manager) Jack R. Tate (key assistant location manager) Sea Change Productions (production company) and at the same award ceremony/event Location Team of the Year - Independent Feature Film Nathan Polatin. Teen Choice Awards 2017 Teen Choice Award Choice Movie Actress: Drama Emma Watson, but not all of these awards are positive ones. Nominees 1 Razzie Awards 2018 Razzie Award Worst Actress Emma Watson.



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