Tuesday 8 August 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: One half of the WWE Women's Tags Team Champions Sonya Deville ACL tear and consequently relinquishing of her half of her Championship with Chelsea Green on 07/08/2023 by AverageMansReview

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: One half of the WWE Women's Tags Team Champions Sonya Deville ACL tear and consequently relinquishing of her half of her Championship with Chelsea Green on 07/08/2023 by AverageMansReview

Warning: at some point adult content ahead.

The first thing I want to say is: obviously I want to wish Sonya well on her speedy recovery and apologies it is never a good thing to get injured, but especially when you get your first championship run and then it is tragically cut short. Personally on her return would like to see her get to finish off this championship run which was interrupted or I do believe that she has been in the shadows for too long and she should be in the mix for a singles championship opportunity.

So what are the plans for Chelsea Green's new tag team partner?: As on this content being dictated I don't know their plans and yes they could still do what I am about to suggest, they should have at the very least announced it this week like on last night Raw [Monday 07/08/2023] there will be 4 qualifying matches two on Raw and two on SmackDown where including one sport open for a mystery NXT name to be entered into a Five-Way Women's Ladder Match for the vacant WWE Women's Tag Team Championship/new partner of Chelsea Green for WWE PayBack [Saturday 02/09/2023.]

Where at this match/match slot we have Chelsea Green either on commentary or just sitting by commentary with her WWE Tag Team Championship. Now in the closing stages we have two babyfaces and the NXT surprise entrant of Cora Jade trying to climb the ladder and from out of nowhere Green quickly gets out of her chair and entries the ring with her championship to take care of at least one babyface whilst Jade takes care of the other one, to on her main roster debut win one half of the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.

After this event; Green's motives become clear, she wanted someone that was hungry and just like her, a willingness to get anything done to defend these championships and don't worry about the two babyface that got screwed by Green and Jade will team up to become the new feud/new no1 contenders for these championships, I would like to have two people that don't like one another, but they don't like Green and Jade so much more.

I am not being arrogant, but I can guarantee you the WWE hierarchy/creative possibly won't put this much creative into this situation. In fact you can mark my words they won't dare give this current unforeseen problem is spot on WWE PayBack in fact give it a couple of weeks maybe they might just to be match on Raw to resolve this issue. They wouldn't dare take any screen time away from The Bloodline and its surrounding components on SmackDown, but at least I am like Becky Lynch, just making lemonade out of lemons. Lynch should really turn the current situation with the WWE hierarchy into a T-shirt design; black T-shirt illustration on the back; with a lemon tree on the back with falling lemons the words in bold yellow text "With Lemons" on the front in the same text " I make lemonade" with three lemons situated in the middle underneath this text to conveniently look like one to the left and one to the right and one down the middle [but grouped together to look like a penis and testicles also conveniently to look like it is urinating/been turned into lemonade into this jug below with ice cubes and inside of them on the side of the jug.] Before I get backlash for this; let's just remember she has the wrestling gimmick of "The Man" so hence where I got the idea from.

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