Sunday 27 August 2023

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania IX 04/04/1993 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania IX 04/04/1993   Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

On rotation: after this pay-per-view we are heading into the land of WCW

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Opening sequence to this pay-per-view: roughly; warning flashing and colourful effects can be seen at some point in this opening; voice over from Vince McMahon, it is has coliseum approach with the main event of Yokozuna on the side of one building vs. the WWF Champion Brett "The Hitman" Hart on another building. It is all a bit odd really, either go with the Roman theme which trust me anyone that has seen this pay-per-view knowns that is what they went with and besides this it is highly imaginative and creative. But for here and now this kind of city theme with advertising the main event doesn't work here. But I digress McMahon in his intro finishes off by introducing our host for this event which is Gorilla Monsoon.

* Gorilla Monsoon: Host appears on-screen welcomes us to this event and introduces a new colleague to the broadcast team Jim Ross.

* Jim Ross Commentary: appears on-screen, does the happy to be here thing, followed by talking about our two main events; graphic appears of Hart holding his WWE Championship over his shoulder with Yokozuna looking as if his body is off to one side with his head looking at the camera. Second graphic of  The Mega-Maniacs: Hulk Hogan & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake [with "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart] on one side of the screen vs. the WWF Tag Team Champions Money Inc. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase & I.R.S holding their Championships; they are on the line tonight. We go back to live footage and Ross as he introduces our ring announcer for tonight, we know him as Howard Finkel, but tonight he is Finkus Maximus.

* Finkus Maximus: Ring announcer he begins the opening ceremony with Ross providing commentary with Julius Caesar and Cleopatra coming down to the ring on this element and their gladiators leading. "Macho Man" Randy Savage gets his own high-quality entrants, which there is a little confusion, because the belief was that it was meant for Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/" Wiesel" Savage goes into the ring and pumped up the crowd a little bit more and then heads over to the commentary table to talk to Ross about this event. But don't worry Heenan gets his own entrance, but basically on a camel facing backwards, he has a comical yet undignified dismount to thanks to Savage in more than one way, to join his other commentators.

* Finkus Maximus: Ring announcer the stipulations and then introduces the competitors.

Warning/Disclaimer: there are some lights being used/racist comments. Disclaimer I have never or are likely to be a professional wrestler.

Match/Stipulations: "The Native American" Tatanka ["Sensational" Sherry] vs. The WWF Intercontinental Champion "The Heartbreak Kid" [with Luna Vachon:] Singles Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel" 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 4/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 41/60 - this match/match slot is good

Comments: I should start from the very beginning you may have noticed as it relates to Sherry I didn't say with, because yes she comes down with Tatanka, but Heenan and/or Ross put over there is no connection. Sherry just want to see Michaels hopefully lose his championship. Yes at some point Heenan says racial things about Tatanka and I know this is Ross' first mania as he tells us earlier on. So I don't want to seem too harsh, but he does have some bloopers on commentary; when he says this is our first event of  WrestleMania IX, when it should have been match instead of event. He calls two different moves a fall-away slam, but on both occasions he is wrong. The first occasion is a wrestling move called electric chair and the second is the Samoan drop.

Now on to the wrestling itself; Michael from the top turnbuckle on the far right hand side performs this sunset flip pin and let's just say it isn't the most moving as of version, at best it is clunky. Michaels performs this version of a victory roll pin from the bottom right corner of the ring which likewise at best this clunky [full disclosure; I could remember this pinning move; but Ross says it on commentary, I was thinking if I was going to point out some bloopers I needed to point this out to balance things out a little bit and if anyone has grown up around Ross and his commentary, you know as well as I do he always has tried to be enthusiastic and not forgetting as I have already referenced this was his first Mania, so maybe he was just a little bit nervous.]

The conclusion of this match is a complete mess; to somewhat speed this up and not to give everything a way; both competitors are outside of the ring Michaels goes in and then comes out on account of I would say 8 [our viewing perspective is somewhat blocked so I will stick with 8] so in theory the Referee Joey Marella, showed have a new fresh 10 count to work with. But he just keeps counting, so he turns around to maybe call for the bell he gets pulled outside of the ring by Michael; Michaels and Tatanka continue the match, Tatanka goes in for the pin and then the Referee called it off and calls for the bell, but the outcome is wrong [I know I have just said that about a simulated sport.] But it all comes down to that new and fresh 10 count.

Basic Result: I know I have pretty much indicated the outcome but as always I have to do the admin "The Native American" Tatanka ["Sensational" Sherry] picks up the victory.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary talk about what they have just seen over live goings-on including "The Native American" Tatanka's theme music "The War Dance."

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund: Interviewer talked about this pay-per-view what has just happened and what is coming up next in the form of a big tag team match on the way to the ring The Headshrinkers: Samu & Fatu [with Afa] taking on Okerlund's guest at this time [they enter the short] The Steiner Brothers: Rick & Scott Steiner talking about this match and it is their first time at Mania.

* Finkus Maximus: Ring announcer the stipulations and then introduces the competitors.


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