Friday 21 July 2023

Direct Contact 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Direct Contact 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/based on the storyline this film is based in Russia/shooting/man on woman violence/prisoner brutality/disfigurement/impaling/animal feeding/cutting/burning/medical

Are we done yet?: In a nutshell Mike Riggins [Dolph Lundgren:] an ex-Marine Special Forces which owes a lot of money to the wrong people, he is currently sitting in a Russian prison, he accepts this job opportunity by Clive Connolly Michael Paré:] that apparently works for the US Embassy worth thousands of pounds all he has to do is retrieved this woman Ana Gale/another character [Gina May:] an individual that we are also led to believe is being held as a hostage, but is giving basically foreign-made and give her to him.

The framework and pacing of this 90 minutes film is pretty much like the script it knows what it is doing and it sticks to that.

Art/Comedy/Action: for some strange reason and I am not overly criticise in it, but it is still a bit strange; that it does have some good looking scenery of the sky, clouds and the sun; for an example in the opening credits we are pretty much flying freely through the clouds. We also have some comedy bits and pieces, the best example of this; Riggins is buying some military suppliers off this arms dealer which has this black eye patch on, at some point in this sequence Riggins moves it to reveal that this arms dealer is just wearing it to look menacing and then this arms dealer puts this eye patch back but on the opposite eye. Well the action is plenty of weapons, explosions and some combat and chasing, you know the standard kind of things for a straightforward action film.

Character developments and performances: they are generally speaking on both counts safe and reliable versions of what they are meant to be, but the love interest turn between Riggins and Gale is unnecessary and tedious turn of events, without giving too much away I know he did something nice for her, but still.

This episode receives: 3/10, this film is poor; this is one of those projects where it would have been getting something slightly higher if it didn't have the tedious character developments and cheesy ending of basically riding off into the sunset.

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