Wednesday 28 June 2023

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 29/10/1995 Match 4 Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 29/10/1995 Match 4 Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/fire. Disclaimer I have never likely to be a professional wrestler

Match/Stipulation: Sabu [with The Sheik] vs. Mr. JL; Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 4/10

Match Slot Storyline: 5/10

Crowd Participation: 5/10

On Commentary: Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel" 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 4/10

Recommend Watch: 4/10

Match Total: 29/60 - this match/match slot is mixed

Comments: all I can say here is; this match/match slot is precisely what you expect it to be, this is another short match, but where in the previous two matches and their match slots I can be more positive. Here on the other hand I can't, because at one point or another between these two wrestlers and two on-screen characters including Randy Anderson the Referee, this was a clumsy train wreck at best.

Sabu performs a standing moonsalt from the outside of the ring apron onto Mr. JL [the walkway up to the entrance/exit] and because his real life uncle The Sheik is pretty much old and bashed up, he is standing in the line of fire, roughly behind Mr. JL and like Mr. JL he takes a good percentage for a bashed up veteran. But I should very much point out on watching this again on replay The Sheik stepped in, instead of away from the danger zone, I mean there is a split second where it could have just backed up. I am not trying to read too much into this, but he clearly stepped in to the danger zone as I have just said. This is speculation unless he makes up his mind that I can't move out of the way quick enough, so I may as well plant my feet and try and take some of the impact, but as everyone should know by a certain age range he like his nephew they embody the hard-core wrestling style, Heenan brings it up on commentary and Schiavone makes reference to basically Sabu following in the family footsteps and later on Heenan makes more references to this family connection

Sabu carries on and it isn't too long within moments actually until we have another crash and burn moment; he runs on the outside of the ring towards Mr. JL, but Mr. JL ducks consequently Sabu crashes into the guard railing.

A little later Sabu comes off the bottom left top turnbuckle yet once again the creches and burns as Mr. JL ducks again. Mr. JL comes off the same top turnbuckle with his own moonsalt; this is not the cleanest version of this move I have ever seen. I know wrestlers from time to time have to fit in a wrestling match with the slot that has been given to them meaning time, but in this case it is rushed and slowly creeping up to slightly dangerous.

Sabu is in the same corner Mr. JL runs in, but Sabu moves out of the way consequently Mr. JL crashes and burns, this looks relatively okay I'm just putting it in here so it shows that am not being biased, but on the grand scheme of things as it relates to this entire match/match slot; it doesn't look too good if you were to add everything up.

Sabu attempts to go up in this same corner/top turnbuckle [yes for some reason we see a lot of action in this bottom left corner/top turnbuckle,] but Mr. JL stops him, instead he goes for a german suplex with pin from where Sabu is. Now I would have seen this as a positive and I do, but what prevents me from giving any higher marks, is the fact that between these two wrestlers, referee and including our commentary team; they completely botch this up Sabu's near shoulder is so far off the canvas that we can see it yet but the referee counts it, Sabu has to kick out and even Heenan this time doesn't even say a word and Schiavone just as the standard two count comment.

Sabu Mr. JL perched on this top turnbuckle and performs this version of the sunset flip pin or that is what Schiavone calls it anyway, I'm going to go with a modified sunset flip, but it is so clunky.

Basic Result: Sabu [with The Sheik] the W.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary talk about what they had just seen over video replays with Sabu's entrance theme, after a little bit of research this is the name I could find WCW Theme - Sabu 1st. [I moments later they are on-screen,] they continued to talk about his uncle and him, then they move back onto The Dungeon of Doom's The Giant vs. the WCW Champion Hogan and its surrounding characters including André the Giant.

The Dungeon of Doom segment in The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan's lair: The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan and The Master; delivering a promo I am paraphrasing here; but what is going to go down tonight.

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary talk about [appear back on screen] what they have just heard.

* "Mean"Gene Okerlund: Iterviewer: with a competition winner that has won a Harley-Davidson motorcycle [which is also on-screen] and in a nutshell a selection of people including the WCW Heavyweight Hogan [Hogan does the presentation to give the keys to the competition winner] and "The Mouth of The South" Jimmy Hart.

Okerlund sets up Hogan to talk about what happened to his Harley-Davidson at WCW Fall Brawl: WarGames where The Giant in his Monster Truck ran over Hogan's motorcycle, basically how we came to be in this situation for this first match of the night between these two wrestlers and Okerlund goes off script by asking one of these people haven't got anything for this seat? Okerlund acknowledges I am paraphrasing here again he has caught her off guard. Hogan makes reference to these two matches and André the Giant.

Commercial for the WCW next pay-per-view: WCW World War 3 Sunday 26 November

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary a moment later appear on screen advertising  WCW World War 3 where the winner will receive a future WCW Heavyweight Championship opportunity against whomever is champion at that time, Heenan makes reference to basically it would be nice to have that motorcycle and then quickly progresses to Hogan and The Sumo Monster Truck Match with Schiavone signalling that we need to go to the next match and our ring announcer [ Heenan a moment or two ago had forgotten what he was saying so he was drawing shapes with his fingers to remember] this is why Schiavone did it to transfer over to our ring announcer.

* David Penzer: Ring announcer says the stipulations and then introduces the competitors [in hindsight this does feel like and look like; this entire break from the wrestling was designed to be a toilet break based on you roughly 10 minutes between the end of this match and the next one.]

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