Friday 28 April 2023

Marvel Studios She-Hulk: Attorney at Law [Series 1,] Episode 6: Just Jen by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Studios She-Hulk: Attorney at Law [Series 1,] Episode 6: Just Jen by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/suicide/transformation/bodily functions

This episode is a waste of time and worse than that it is aware of its indifferent wording: Storyline, Character [Character developments] and Art; in this quote Attorney Jennifer Waters breaks-the-fourth-wall and says "Yes, it's a self-contained wedding episode. And if you think this is happening at an inconvenient time, you're right. 'Cause that's how weddings always are. But I'm gonna look great, so let's go."She is making reference to the dress that Luke Jacobson designed for her and if you're wondering about the dress after the opening credit a moment later we have this sequence of her seductively getting out of the car and having this slow motion sequence with background music, let's begin on a positive the blue high heels are fine, but this slow motion sequence really does highlight and expose what low quality computer animation this TV program has in it.

Titania vs. Attorney Jennifer Waters/She-Hulk: Action; I know this sequence doesn't go on for too long, but it is good and it is worthy of awarding this episode another mark because of it.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; how can I put this nicely; I have been doing this kind of thing for quite a few years now and even when I wasn’t, I am fully aware that TV programs now and again, let’s just say for one reason or another they may not put out at minimum a good episode for some reason. It could have been [ speculation on my part] this global pandemic, just to cover my back I will say this again speculation on my part and I am just trying to be amicable or if this is not the case they sometimes put in a moral message episode or for some other reasons. But in this particular case I am so not amused, because come on people we are just 6 episodes in to a 9 episode season. So as this is the first season could we not have found anything else better to put in this first season? I mean seriously come on people. Basically if you haven’t got the hint yes I gave this episode 5/10, because it is designed to basically get given that mark, but once again and I stress this once again this is their first season, it is way too early to put in an episode like this and finally if/more like when I come to the end of this first season and I think or feel they could have done much better, you would be right in thinking even before I say it, I will be looking back at this episode as most definitely time wasted with the whole lot of this episode.


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