Monday 17 April 2023

Finder’s Fee 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Finder’s Fee 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effect/cutting/self-harming

Poker night; three friends meet around the fourth friend's apartment: Fisherman [Matthew Lillard:] a quick mouth individual that seemingly is a bit of a dealer, you want anything for example off the back of a lorry he is your guy and likes gambling he money issues. Bolan [Dash Mihok:] seems like the quiet and respectable one, a runner of a mental health/mental well-being organisation, has a wife but they are having issues conceiving, Quigley [Ryan Reynolds:] a wine salesman, has an ex-wife and a daughter that lives apart from him, has money issues because of that and finally we come to Tepper "Tepp" [Erik Palladino:] possibly an artist with the equipment he walks into this apartment with, tonight is going to be a big night for him as later on he is going to ask his girlfriend Carla [Carly Pope:] an onstage performer as whilst her boyfriend is playing poker she has rehearsals, a good woman who knows he is going to ask her tonight, because they have discussed it. But he does come across as a people pleaser and coward, but you know if they are going to get married they are going to need money. So it is a good thing that this unforeseen situation should fall right into Tepp involving Avery Phillips [James Earl Jones:] an ex-firefighter, a current bus driver and his lost property which Tepp has found for him.

The frame work of this project uses the outlay of in this location and/or in this situation, which basically means anything before or after this project it doesn't matter, we are here to experience this period in these characters lives and the pacing of this 100 minute film is good, it just needs to keep things moving smoothly moving along.

Art: we see a painting [which on a quick side note led me to believe that Tepp is an artist;] it is a colourful portrait of his girlfriend Carla; it is located in this sequence when/where we first see the surroundings of his apartment.

Action: there is some poker based action and a little bit of other action later on as well.

Character developments and performances: generally speaking first of all for the majority of this cast his character developments and performances are all good.

But now we come on to some real substance Dash Mihok as Bolan indicates or/and implies multiple things; like he makes reference to whilst looking at a picture at them from their schooldays what they were like, which also implies he may have not been the smartest one back in those days based on how the other three speak to him or treat him in the present times, which in turn indicates or/and implies he is the one out of the group that had to work hard and knuckle down to get where he wants to be, consequently he may have a little complaint here and there about things like people stealing office supplies. The hard reality of conceiving a baby in front of Phillips and discussing it with him and with Fisherman being involved in this conversation as well and based what  Bolan has witnessed tonight; that he knows deep down that the sands of time wait for no individual as he begins to set some things on this shelf, in the manner that suggests we were that, but I think it is now time for me to break away from these people I knew once and to hammer that home, he doesn't even collect is $20. Fishman has it in his hands, because Bolan just wants to get out of here as an adult, it symbolises if my friendship to you guys amounts to $20 you can keep it which Fishman does and then we move on to the one and only James Earl Jones as Avery Phillips; he performs as a hard-working family man churchgoer that needs a lucky break as always it is a pleasure and extreme honour to see Jones on the screen: performing the only way he can to a very high level, so as you can see these two individual or/and together characters and performers are on reflection excellent.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; on reflection again because of these two character developments and performances, I have decided to award another mark to this title, if you like a period situation based film title? Take a look at this film all in all it is a good film and no surprise it has some awards accredited to its name 3 Winners that includes DVD Exclusive Awards 2003 DVDX Award Best Actor in a DVD Premiere Movie James Earl Jones. Nominees 3 that included from the same award ceremony/event Best Live Action DVD Premiere Movie Brad Van Arragon Katy Wallin Shawn Williamson.

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