Thursday, 2 March 2023

Paradise City 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Paradise City 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/burning/torture/electrician/animal feeding/animal cruelty/bodily functions

Willis as Ian Swan, Travolta as Buckley/another, Dorff as Robbie Cole & Perreira as Auntie Kona: after the murder of his father Bounty Hunter Ian Swan [Bruce Willis,] by Buckley/another; I can't say too much more, because that would be giving the storyline way [John Travolta] but his son, Ryan Swan [Blake Jenner] he followed in his father's step as a Bounty Hunter. He comes Hannah Coast, Maui to find out what actually went down. On his travels he comes across some helpful people Bounty Hunter Robbie Cole [Stephen Dorff;] an ex-partner of his fathers, let's just say they have a history, Police Officer Savannah [Praya Lundberg] and later on members of her family such as Aunty Kona [Mary Ann Perreira] and finally Koa Kahale [Laird Akeo.]

The pacing of this 93 minutes film is like the storyline, action and character developments they are something safe and reliable or/and reliable versions of what they are meant to be.

We have we have a very small number of comical moments such as when Kahale basically running away from  Cole and/or Savannah; there is this classic comical moment where Ryan suddenly opens his vehicle door and  Kahale runs smack into it and lands on his back and then gets apprehended. The art has to be the landscape of this place; this is all good.

Performances; how can I put this there is a reason why at the beginning of this review, I specifically pointed out these characters and their performers, this is because regardless of how long they are on screen they are a positive influence on this film. But for the rest, yes I have said that the character developments were safe and reliable versions of what they are meant to be, but the execution of these character developments are poor.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; the only reason that the person that I watch some films with and I watched this film was because of Bruce Willis and John Travolta and yes they are in this film, but and I do stress but not that much and are in the same scene together little as well. I am not trying to sell this film to, I'm just being honest and you may want to adjust your expectations of this film if or when you come to watch it. To leave this review on a comical note as the person I watched this film with even pointed out before watching it they should play "Paradise City" 1987 by Guns N' Roses at some point, but sadly they missed out on this golden opportunity and through the second lot of ending credits they put on one side of the screen a blooper reel.


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