Wednesday 1 February 2023

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE King of the Ring 13/06/1993 Match 3 Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE King of the Ring 13/06/1993 Match 3 Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/biting

Match/Stipulations: "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow vs. "Mr. USA" Hacksaw Jim Duggan; King of the Ring: First Round/Quarter-Finals Singles Match; Additional First Round/Quarter-Finals 15 Minutes Time Limit, Second Round/Semi-Finals 30 Minutes and Final 60 Minutes, Pin Falls, Submissions, Count Outs and Disqualifications apply, just keep finding away to win. If there are any time limit expirations, double disqualifications count outs, whomever you were going to face in the next round gets a bye into the following round of the tournament.

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Weasel" 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44/60 - this match is good

Comments: likewise it is a good section and it keeps the upbeat momentum of this pay-per-view going. I mean this match/match slot is essentially physically two big guys butting heads, basically haas vs. haas match [this is a wrestling terminology that basically means two big guys with basic wrestling skills.] But as it relates to Bigelow, this is an unfair statement. Because back in the day he was one of those big guys that actually had wrestling skills such as for one example a flying head butt from the top turnbuckle as a finisher and yes if you're wondering why this match has been slightly rated higher than its predecessor as I have highlighted one of Bigelow's biggest assets I must do the same for Duggan, his biggest asset was and is his connection to the live crowds, if my memory is correct he has only been a heel once in his career and it was in the WCW in on some research now in 2000 Team Canada.

Savage am paraphrasing here and in a nutshell he puts over all the competitors in this tournament for getting here.

Basic Result: "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow progresses to the next round of the King of the Ring tournament.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/" Wiesel": Commentary watching replays of part of this match with Bret "The Hitman" Hart's theme music "Bam Bam."

* Terry Taylor: interviewer The Smoking Gunns: Billy & Bart Gunn [kayfabe; this means the theatrical and character side of wrestling and they are brothers, but not in real life] with their tag team partners The Steiner Brothers: Rick "Dogface Gremlin" & Scott Steiner [on both counts they are 100% brothers] as they take on the WWF Tag Team Champions Money Inc: "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase & Irwin R. Schyster and their tag team partners The Headshrinkers: cousins - Samu & Fatu - Afa's nephew [with Samu's father/Fatu's uncle Afa] as I have previously stated in other wrestling content the Anoa'i family is without a shadow of doubt it cornerstone of professional wrestling and I have just remembered we have another member of this family on this card as well Yokozuna cousin of Fatu and nephew of Afa.

* The Finkel: Ring announcer says the stipulations and then introduces "The Narcissist" Lex Luger: he does is entrance, Heenan makes reference to both of these converters are undefeated then the commentary team discuss the unfair advantage Luger has steel in his arm in some capacity, in fact Heenan gets out again the Brain Scan to point it out but accidentally highlights the wrong arm as someone decides to switch cameras so his circle type shape is on the wrong side, o he draws arrows to it and potentially what it has in it.

The Referee's [Earl Hebner & Mike Chioda] are trying to get him to wear an elbow pad, but he has no interest in it, so they inform The Finkel that he announces if he doesn't wear an elbow pad he will be eliminated from the tournament, which he is furious by this but he does it eventually. The Finkel introduces the other opponent in this match and it is the Native American Tatanka. Lugar attacks Tatanka the bell sounds he throws him over the top rope and goes back to posing in his mirror. Tatanka comes back into the ring and pushes Lugar's mirror on top of him. Tatanka pulls the mirror of him to get to him to get down to business with our Referee [Mike Chioda] partially assisting these two other people to get this mirror out of the ring, but don't worry about our two opponents getting hurt; they are working on getting on the outside of the ring on the opposite side. Ross tries to put over that Tatanka destroyed Lugar's mirror, but you didn't. Unless Ross means with something like baby oil smudges, but that isn't destroying it, you can easily wipe it off.




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