Sunday 26 February 2023

Marvel Studio Ms. Marvel [Series 1,] Episode 2: Crushed by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Studio Ms. Marvel [Series 1,] Episode 2: Crushed by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/shooting

Training montage: Character [Character developments,] Action and Comedy; Kamala with Bruno begin this physical training and then abilities/powers training second. Kamala learns that she can make a these hard light [that's what they call her abilities/powers] stepping discs platforms so that she can step up and anywhere she likes as long as she makes a disc step first to step on. Basically this is like a platform videogame such as Mario. Kamala/dressed up as Captain Marvel, minus her helmet/Night Light tries to get one of her hard light discs offer hand, so she shakes it harder and harder and whilst Bruno/Brian is nelt down on the floor next to her with these sunglasses on , his notepad on his knee taking down some notes, he gets hit in the face with this hard light disc that breaks is sunglasses in two and floors him, but at least Kamala/dressed up as Captain Marvel, minus her helmet/Night Light has gotten that hard light disc off her hand

Ending credits scene: Storyline; there is no ending credits scene here, just to cover my back for the rest of the episodes of this series, all I can suggest is fast-forwarding until you may or may not be an ending credit scene or scenes [I don’t know I haven’t seen all of these episodes series yet.]

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; things are progressing nicely with a nice bit of get up and go.


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