Monday 26 December 2022

See How They Run 2022 by AverageMansReviews

See How They Run 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/ animal cruelty/strangling/shooting/cutting

Our backdrop is West End of London in the 1950s: there has been a murder at the celebration of Agatha Christie's Mousetrap 100th performance at this venue, Inspector Stoppard [Sam Rockwell] and Constable Stalke [Saoirse Ronan] gets sent in to investigate and hopefully solve this case, but Inspector Stoppard is not overly happy that it will be just these two working together as his partner for this case is a woman and she is very new to all of this [before you get outraged by his sexist outlook, can I just remind you and I am not condoning this; but this was the 1950s.] The pacing for this 98 minutes film is good, but this is one of those occasions where I'm going to hand it over to one of these characters/performers in this film. First little example of the comedy [I will make reference to other comedy bits that this film has to offer as well at points through in this review,] but I digress; our partnership and we the viewers meet Mervyn Cocker-Norris [David Oyelowo] as he tells us why he had an argument with Leo Köpernick [Adrien Brody,] because they had different visions on the movie adaptation of Agatha Christie's Mousetrap, they both wanted to take it in completely different directions. The pacing and comedy lays where as he is finishing describing Köpernick's vision, the audience should be able to pick up on already this is how See How They Run 2022 operates from time to time with the flashbacks when it is appropriate and to nail this comedy element home we have this Cocker-Norris making reference to words on-screen " Three Weeks later on-screen" and a moment later they appear on-screen in this film, so the comedy itself is a tone of highbrow in its delivery and quickwitted.

Art: this is very clear to see as it grabs its viewers as soon as the film begins, what with its scenery, costumes and accessories and so on; this film is clean and tidy well presented crime drama.

Character development and performances; the character developments and performances are all good, in particular our lead partnership of Inspector Stoppard [Sam Rockwell] and Constable Stalke [Saoirse Ronan;] we have this jaded Inspector with this eager Constable that wants to progress in her career, but there was a running joke in this film where she keeps jumping to conclusions including in one occasion, for a little bit of action she breaking this door through/down, but if she had been a little bit more investigative, she would have found out that looked door has a key under the mat as Mervyn Cocker-Norris tries to tell her simultaneously as she breaks in.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; on reflection this mark is the right outcome, it is a pleasant throwback to the 1950s.





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