Friday 30 December 2022

Prince Andrew: The Musical 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Prince Andrew: The Musical 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/mature themes/shooting/animal cruelty

This is the rise and the downfall, then downfall again of: Prince Andrew Duke of York, Earl of Inverness and Baron Killyleagh/"Randy Andy"/"Air Miles Andy" [Kieran Hodgson]

the pacing of this roughly 60 minutes project, well it is designed using the presentation of a theatre stage production built for TV viewing, so all is good here.

Art: as I have just indicated this is a theatre stage production build for TV viewing so the costumes, set designs and musical numbers is easy on the eyes and likewise easy to settle down with, including voice-over from our lead character over real-life footage.

Character developments and the performances are excellent; you can tell who they are meant to be, this is very much a cast performance and no I didn't forget about the comedy aspect, I must stress before I continue at minimum it is a good and valid point; we have our lead character with his brother Prince Charles [Munya Chawawa] performing this musical number "Your Always Going To Need An Andrew" [I should point out I couldn't find the title of this musical number, so I just chose the words at the beginning and at the end of this number, where Andrew arrogantly points out his value, which as I have already said it is a valid and good point, basically in comparison Prince Charles is the better one out of them, so without Andrew they would focus more on Charles [this production in one way or another makes reference to his history] including a reference to Diana just before referencing Megan.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent: it is a funny take on a truly shady individual, yes I would absolutely take all of his titles away from him and whilst I am there, I would take Prince Harry and Princess Megan Duke and Duchess of Sussex away as well all three of them can go away and live their lives, without protection from The Royal Family or/and make money off the Royal name.




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