Saturday 10 December 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 7 Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 7 Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: The Bellanation's: The Bella Twins: Nikki Bella [with Brie Bella] vs. the WWE Women's Raw Champion The Baddest Woman on The Planet "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey; Singles Match for the WWE Women's Raw Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 8/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 8/10

Recommend Watch: 8/10

Match Total: 46/60 - this match is excellent

Comments: well let's finish this pay-per-view on a high and that is exactly what they did here. Throughout we have the commentary table putting over women's wrestling including Beth Phoenix pointing out that Nikki is having a tantrum at this point, which I didn't like her having a tantrum, it does somewhat devalue this main event a little to be fair.

Basic Result: the WWE Women's Raw Champion The Baddest Woman on The Planet "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey retains her championship here.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary watching replays of part of this match Ronda Rousey's theme music "Bad Reputation," they put over Rousey as she is celebrating withThe Bella Twins: Nikki Bella [with Brie Bella] saying it isn't over. They/we go to Nia Jax watching Rousey on a TV screen to set up Jax as her new no1 contender after winning the battle royal earlier on the pay-per-view. We go back to Rousey celebrating with majority of the locker room and  Commissioner of Monday Night Raw Stephanie McMahon, whilst Cole basically signs off and sends us to a video package recapping this pay-per-view over Little Mix's track "Salute" we come back for a split second to see them still celebrating at the top of the ramp.

The pay-per-view receives: 7/10, this pay-per-view is good; now usually I would award another mark based on the grounds that all of these matches are positive, but like I said somewhere in this journey throughout I did say I am paraphrasing here but if I did make reference to something once I would say it then and then leave it until the end to bring it up again. So guess what we are at the end of this pay-per-view and the reason I haven't given this pay-per-view and extra mark for being all positive matches is because the fact that this pay-per-view pushes this really false narrative of yeah we made it, this is just the beginning. But as far as I'm concerned this time within the WWE has always been a publicity stunt, now let me put this clearly I am not a sexist, in fact the WWE and and I do stress and AEW could be doing tons better as it relates to women's wrestling, before I hear any complaints about but the WWE are doing much better, yes this is true and yes I have said that generally speaking we will have to give AEW 10 years to see how things play out, but I can't deny the fact that their women's revolution within their own company has stalled. On one hand yes I am very much aware that there is at minimum an idea to bring this Premium Live Event back under the new regime, but on the other hand does anyone remember the last time a women's match headlined a WWE Pay-Per-View/Premium Live Event? Now obviously I have done some research on this so it was Saturday 10/04/2021 WrestleMania 37, Night 1 Bianca Belair vs. Champ Sasha Banks; Singles Match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship, I mean AEW don't try to pull this false narrative publicity stunt and for those triggered people I will make this clear again AEW need to be doing so much more on their own turf so I am not condoning or defending the fact that again as it relates to their women wrestlers the whole roster has very much stalled. I mean the WWE don't have to do this, but if there are going to be less Premium Live Events there is nothing stopping them from taking one idea from AEW and that is taking the miniature Pay-Per-View in fact I am pretty sure that In Your House was based on that idea, but it is just they have Raw which would be the right time length, where they could have a rotating championship or championships be it on the men's or women's side of things minus the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship in the main event and on the upside it would boost TV ratings. I wonder if they are aware that if they did these things on a consistent basis as it relates to the women wrestlers, it wouldn't need this false push, because if you do something more frequently it becomes the norm.

The highest ranking match on this card based on attributes that we get to see would be: The Bellanation's: The Bella Twins: Nikki Bella [with Brie Bella]  vs. the WWE Women's Raw Champion The Baddest Woman on The Planet "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey; Singles Match for the WWE Women's Raw Championship with 46/60.

The lowest ranking match on this card based on attributes that we get to see would be: The Riot Squad; Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan & Ruby Riot vs."Boss" Sasha Banks, Natalya & Bayley; Six-Woman Tag Team Match with 41/60.

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