Monday 5 December 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 6 Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 6 Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: Charlotte Flair vs. the WWE SmackDown Women's Champion "The Man" Becky Lynch; Last Women Standing Match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship; Additional Information, basically anything goes but the competitor/competitors have to be on their feet before the referee reaches the count of 10.

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 9/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young 1/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 8/10

Recommend Watch: 8/10

Match Total: 43/60 - this match is good.

Comments: I never go in expecting anything, all I can say is wow the commentary team, be it themselves or to show some leniency kind of to them and this is speculation on my part, but maybe they were being fed what to say or a mixture over their headsets, but whatever the case may be they just really sucked the fun out of this.

Right I will be paraphrasing or putting things in a nutshell or just to cover my back if I miss a little something; this is just a rough outline, not to control the narrative or be lazy. But to hopefully give you less to read and for it to make sense. So straight off the bat generally speaking we have Beth Phoenix and Renee Young pushing the narrative of Lynch being an out and out heel and Flair being a babyface, which has everyone should know doesn't work.

Michael Cole: says there is no champions advantage in this match, but then not once but twice makes reference to if both competitors don't get up by the count of 10 championship stays with Lynch. So by my logic and understanding that is a champions advantage, okay a very slim one but still an advantage

Cole: discusses the first count of 10, yes he says the first, but the Referee [Mike Chioda] has already done the count of 10 twice before, one each so this wouldn't be the first time.

Phoenix: I can see Flair firing up. Firstly this would be very difficult to do right now based on the grounds Lynch is in control and from her back to Phoenix that would be also difficult to see. Then again later Flair looks dazed how can you tell, because you don't have a good viewpoint. Phoenix almost get it with a kendo stick, we don't see it but it gets referenced on commentary and I found this slightly comical note for the fact she almost gets hit by, but for the fact for a moment we actually have natural commentary.

The crowd were not fooled by the commentary as when Flair was taking a lot they were chanting you deserve it or having one individual shout out why don't you try and run away again Becky. But as the attributes of the crowd participation being 10/10 they were here for this match as they were chanting both of these competitors names.

Young: was basically trying to put over that Flair is hard-working and earning things in her own right, [this is me now: you know that whole argument of yes she is extremely talented, but like it or not she has used her daddy's last name to advance her career then use his name for backstage uses.] Almost simultaneously in the ring we have a botched from Flair where Lynch is laid out on a table in the ring Flair goes up to do moonsalt, she comes down but the table doesn't break, once again don't find it funny because someone could have got hurt, but just for the fact that you have Young saying what she is saying followed by what happens in the ring it is great comedic timing, Flair tries again but this time she does a senton bomb which does the trick.

Young: what is she planning to do with the latter? Cole: obviously she is planning to use it. Talk about cutting down your fellow worker.

Flair under a pile of chairs and tables; with his spot and on commentary they are really, really trying to put over Flair as a babyface; it is cringeworthy, because they are trying that hard throughout this match slot to achieve that, but it just isn't landing.

After this match has come to a close the commentary team put over Becky Lynch, which I was not amused with, because as you can see/read they were basically doing the opposite throughout this match/match slot and consequently this is why the on commentary category only received 1/10, because regardless of whomever was saying these things be it them or people through their headsets, they really did spoil this was match/match slot, Cole highlights again these three debuts. On a quick side note with the Referees coming down to the ring, if you're quick this is where you will find AEW's Audrey Edwards.

Basic Result: the WWE SmackDown Women's Champion "The Man" Becky Lynch Retains her WWE SmackDown Women's Championship.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary watching replays of part of this match Becky Lynch's theme music "Celtic Invasion"

Michael Cole: Commentary move on to the main event and a video package of how we got here. Competitors enter the ring with the commentary building things up with Young agreeing with The Bella Twins it is because of them we are having this pay-per-view tonight. Ronda Rousey getting put over on commentary including Phoenix pointing out the difference between The Bella Twins wanting in a nutshell a pat on the back, but Rousey doesn't want it.

JoJo: Ring Announcer says the stipulations for this match and then moves on to challenge and then champion.


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