Friday 25 November 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Evolution 28/10/2018 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: 20-Woman Battle Royal  for a Women's Championship Match [all in the ring at the same time, no gaps between individual entrances during the match]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 9/10

On Commentary: Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44/60 - this match is good.

Comments: The IIconics [Billie Kay & Peyton Royce] deliver their high standard of heel promo work on their opponents as they are walking down to the ring and getting into it. Lana has this comedy angle between Nia Jax herself and Tamina where if you were wondering what Lana says here, she says "Please don't fight, Happy Sunday." Which full disclosure after watching this a few times I realised Phoenix was suggesting the please don't fight on commentary, so I took the words what Phoenix had said on commentary and put them over what Lana was saying yes I could hear some of it as you can see, but I had to piece the rest of it together using my hearing and what Phoenix had said.

Now I would have rated this match quality as a bit higher if there wasn't one botch or two botches depending on your perspective, with Ember Moon and Carmella; Carmella goes in for a running head scissors, but she doesn't get into the right spot, Moon changes this move into a whirring sidewalk slam [of sorts] to quickly cover this up, but this whirling sidewalk slam is poor. But in fairness and balance the more I look at this situation, it is a cover-up so I am not being too harsh on Moon here; as she shows her strength to finish this sequence as it was clearly a situation of the domino effect here and just in case you looking for this spot [if you miss the running head scissors; you can/will hear Carmella yelling through this mini sequence.]

On commentary this is an excerpt Young: "Carmella looking for   " [she doesn't finish her sentence] Cole: "That was rather unique." Young:" You have got to throw everything against the wall, you know."

Basic Result: Nia Jax wins this opportunity

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary watching a replay of the closing stages over the entrance music of Nia Jax theme music "Force Of Greatness"

 * Kayla Braxton: interviewer in the ring basically talking about the present and the future.

* Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary introduce a new campaign GirlsUp and talk about it.

* Beth Phoenix, Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary talking about empowering women and moving on to Mae Young Classic 2018 Tournament

* Mae Young Classic 2018: video package Mae Young her voice and some pictures of her, history of women wrestlers by pictures, a small video clip of last year's winner and building up to tonight's final Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai.

* Michael Cole: Commentary Brings up what one of these two competitors will win this trophy Mae Young Classic 2018 and then the Referee for this upcoming match Jessica Carr.

* Michael Cole & Renee Young: Commentary list some of the competitors of this tournament as they are in the audience [the camera is on them.]

* Kayla Braxton: Ring announcer introduces the next match

* Michael Cole: Commentary [promotional] WWE Evolution is being presented by WWE 2K19 and KAY Jewelers [with promotional things on screen at this time.]

* Michael Cole: Commentary in Io Shirai gives a shout out to Tegan Nox; I am paraphrasing here who was injured in this tournament, but is recovering nicely and can't wait to be back.


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