Wednesday 26 October 2022

Friday 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Friday 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/drugs/child abuse/domestic violence/bodily functions

I am going to get you high, you have no job and you have nothing to do: straight off the bat for those that have watched this cult following film before, yes I had to tone down this line. We the viewers coming to this urban neighbourhood Craig Jones [Ice Cube/Co-writer with Mark Jordan a.k.a. DJ Pooh] lost his job yesterday on the Thursday, but today on Friday his father Willie Jones [John Witherspoon] tells him to get a job.

But instead Craig spends most of the day on the porch with his friend Smokey [Chris Tucker;] a resident drug dealer of marijuana, well he would be if he didn't smoke most of it, I guess Smoky has never heard of the expression "You don't get high on your own supply" or if he has ever heard of this he does not care. But we the viewers spend the day with these two individuals watching the world go by and anything else that should come up and we also have a fully grown man; neighbourhood bully by the name of Deebo [Tiny "Zeus" Lister Jr./Tom Lister Jr.] Art; for an example Deebo is riding this stolen pushbike as he pulls up the camera shot is of his leg and foot and the wheel at the front; you will know when this individual is around because sometimes he has this background music to announce he at the very least near; this was a good bit of art.

The pacing of this 91 minutes film is good, the backdrop and the fundamental layout to this film is this neighbourhood and at most we go to a convenience store. So location is a tight knitted community where everyone may not like everyone else, but they may have to talk to one another may be once-a-day at minimum and on top of that we have background music of an urban genre to convey we are in a travelling with members of the urban community. Yes just for the record I am using the word urban, so I don't run the risk of getting cancelled. Here are two examples of the comedy Willie gives his family and us the viewers a health and safety warning on his dumps "Don't nobody go in the bathroom for about 35, 45 minutes." In one way or another Craig or Smokey break-the-fourth-wall. For the action; Craig vs. Deebo going one-on-one; this is good.

Character developments and the performances; they are all good.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; I mean if you haven't watched this film before it is worth a watch to see why it has cult following and I should just point out this film was the debut of Michael Duncan Clark as a Craps player [uncredited] and I just found this out while looking this film up. This film also has some awards accredited to its name. Winner 1 All Def Movie Awards 2016 All Def Movie Award Most Quoted Movie 5 Nominees at the same award ceremony/event Best Bad Mu#&a Award Tom Lister Jr. at the same award ceremony/event Best Bad Mu#&a Award Faizon Love. MTV Movie + TV Awards 1996 MTV Movie Award Best On-Screen Duo Ice Cube Chris Tucker.




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