Tuesday 20 September 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE/ECW One Night Stand 12/06/2005 Match 6 Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE/ECW One Night Stand 12/06/2005 Match 6 Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/blood warning/reference or references to suicide and unfortunately I will be discussing suicide.

Match/Stipulation: Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka; ECW Single Match ECW Single Match [Additional information this means anything goes.]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 8/10

Match Storyline: 8/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Mick Foley & Joey Styles 4/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 39/60 - this match is good.

Comments: the wrestling and the match outlay as you can see is/was excellent, but everything else was toxic on one level or another. It pretty much starts as soon as Awesome entries the ring he gives a gesture to the balcony, consequently Bischoff and The Anti-ECW Crusaders: Raw get up and turn their back on him [but later on The Anti-ECW Crusaders of both Raw & SmackDown looked to be enjoying this match, consequently putting over both participants, I hasten to add when JBL puts his hands on his face at watching another table getting set up, there is a moment where I think he is mocking them, but let’s be positive and say; for the most parts they are putting over these two competitors.] Meanwhile we have Styles warming up to not just do a shoot on him [this is wrestling terminology for an element of truth or more,] but Styles just doesn't shoot on Awesome, he buries him [this is another wrestling terminology which in this case is verbally destroying somebody/this wrestling terminology can be used in a wrestling sense as well where one wrestler buries somebody by a quick match with one competitor having a dominating performance which this can be known as a another wrestling terminology a squash match.]

Where in a nutshell; Style brings up Awesome broke his ECW contract to sign worth millions of dollars with WCW and goes on from there really, Awesome performs a suicide dive to the outside Styles says "And it is a shame he didn't succeed by taking his own life."

This is where I feel it is appropriate to drop a pipe bomb [this is another wrestling terminology which basically means unfiltered truth when speaking.] Styles you child this is how the wrestling industry works, it isn't very nice but it is the business end of it, even though you are a little bit concerned about Awesome in this match once and don't worry you got your wish, because Awesome committed suicide if you really want to know death by hanging in 2007, so RIP Michael "Mike Awesome" Alfonso 1965-2007 [full disclosure yes I looked this up.] In fairness and balance he apologises, but then again it doesn't mean anything if he continues and even, Foley is being a professional and sticking up for Awesome including Foley being honest "I think I would have sold out for what type of cash WCW were throwing at Awesome." With this small yet reality check Styles: don't say that. Foley: I've got kids. Frankly Foley does so much good work here to cover to cover up Styles garbage and one final thing the audience where mixed towards Awesome, because of everything I have said here and they were positive as well to be fair, they would just remind him we haven't forgotten that kind of thing.[Additional; now I need to point this out, this could be absolutely 100% speculation, but however Styles and Foley are individually wearing a headset so it could be possible that Styles has completely gone off script or someone mentioning no names; cough, cough Heyman could have been feeding Styles these lines, based on my viewing experience of this  situation, this is highly unlikely as Styles gives off the impression he is burying Awesome  of his free will and what leads me to think like this; is you have Foley as I have already said being professional. I just needed to add this possible outcome in here just in case it is or isn't a case r who knows Heyman and Styles could be doing this together because at minimum it makes him look good, because I look outside the box and yes I freely accept I could be completely wrong as well, because like I have all they said this is 100% speculation.]

Basic Result: Mike Awesome picks up the W.

Briefly things to know:

* Mick Foley & Joey Styles: Commentary a video replay, a moment or two later Styles on behalf of these two give thanks and Foley discusses a little bit about ECW

* Paul Heyman/Pauly Heyman segment in the ring: he gives thanks to the audience and shoots on the members of onThe Anti-ECW Crusaders of both Raw & SmackDown.

* Bob Artese; he comes out before Heyman: Ringer announcer introduces our main event



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