Monday 8 August 2022

Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/robotics/shooting/stabbing/impaling/burning/melting/cutting/breaking/medical/drugs/suicide/transformation/decapitation

This smells like the 1990s: John Connors [younger; Edward Furlong/older; Michael Edwards; we spend 99.9% of the time with the younger] As the older from Los Angeles the year 2029 A.D. sends back a reprogrammed T-800 Terminator/Uncle Bob [Arnold Schwarzenegger] to protect/do whatever his younger self from what Skynet has sent back in time to terminate young John Connor, a up-to-date model of a Terminator in the T-1000/mainly a police officer in some way/other characters [Robert Patrick] to terminate him and if anyone should get in his way like his mother Sarah Connors [Linda Hamilton] they are to be terminated as well, but if you watch these films in chronological order, you will know that the T-800 and Sarah Connors already have a previous history together as well.

The pacing of this 137 minutes film is perfectly designed to transport its viewers from our world into theirs, with these future or potential future scenes with this infamous and legendary background music Main Title Terminator 2 Theme by Brad Fiedel or we have voice-over now and again from the Sarah Connors [Linda Hamilton] and on a quick side note yes we have Guns N' Roses providing the soundtrack to this sequel entitled " You could be mine" and yes you hear it in this film as well.

The Writer/Director/Producer [James Cameron] clearly adopted the approach of "Go big or go home whenever possible." We pick up this long action sequence here; where young John is on his dirt bike being chased by the T-1000 in a lorry [on some research what used to be a SWAT vehicle] rough location pinpoint on more research San Francisco Bay over the Dumbarton Bridge Route 84; The T 800 has located John and obviously seems to be in some danger so in the T-800 continues on his path using this gun to shoot at this lock to carry on, shooting at the lorry from a high up road/path yes reloading his gun as he drives to continue to shoot or unlock another locked trying not to get hit by oncoming traffic as he crosses the road, eventually the T-800 comes to this drop-off point where without changing speeds he just continues to drop off and now he is on the same level as the ongoing action sequence with T-1000 and John which the T-1000 tries to prevent the T-800 from getting to John on his motorcycle, by using his truck to block off his path way but he fails as the T-800 gets passed and he just quickly, smoothly and with great ease just gets alongside John on his dirt bike and picks him up from his collar from a seating position and puts him on his motorcycle in front of him with John's dirt bike unfortunately getting squashed under the tyres of this lorry. The T 800 continues to shoot at this lorry, this time specifically at a tyre which makes this lorry very difficult to drive consequently there is this massive explosion, the T-800 stops his motorcycle reloads his gun and waits for a moment for someone or something to come out of the flames, but of what he sees; they just see this rolling tyre which is on fire and then they make a quick getaway.

What they don't see which the T-800 knows is the T-1000 is made out of Mimetic Polyalloy [in basic English; liquid metal] so providing it isn't extremely hot this upgraded Terminator has the ability to re-form itself into anything living providing it touches it and is of equal size.

This sequence also has to be seen as an artistic piece of cinematic history as yes it is manic, chaotic I should imagine it pretty much went the way that James Cameron wanted it to go obviously this is speculation, mixed in with opinion based on; on the finished result still standing the test of time in when this review was first dictated in 2022 and not forgetting the robotics of the Skynet army or the T-800 Titanium Alloy [in basic English hard frame with living tissue and has some regenerating capabilities; providing it isn't broken off or something to that effect or isn't put anywhere extremely hot.] The regenerating abilities of the T-1000 was a touch of genius as it relates to an upgrade and character development, as it shows Skynet has learnt more and adapted further by making this design flaw of the T-800s obsolete in yes this prototype of the T-1000, but I would consider this to be a successful prototype.

We do have some comedy which comes to us via young John teaching T-800 how to be more human and less like a machine one example John is teaching the T-800 about high-fives which is a painful experience for John as the T-800 gives him five, John and first gives this little celebration because the T-800 is learning, but for a moment after that he deals with the pain of five he has received and yes he does the give me five and saying to slow by pulling his hand away.

A moment through this sequence; we have Sarah giving us the viewers this inner monologue I am paraphrasing here but basically saying in their this machine is the perfect father for her son, on one hand I should just highlight again he has been reprogrammed to do this, but on the other hand she is correct as these two individuals are not bad I know a terminator is meant to terminate people or its mission. But after a conversation with young John where he swears not to kill again after he tries to blow someone away, Point blank range, but John gets in the way and pushes the gun away so no killing unless it is the T-1000 obviously. Sarah and the T-800 bury the hatchet so the trio of these performers are faultless, their chemistry off one another is priceless based on they know how their characters should be and are and this goes for Robert Patrick and Miles Bennett Dyson; Director of special projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation [Joe Morton] when he enters the film for the rest of the cast they are all good.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; this film needs to be seen once in a lifetime especially if you haven't seen this film yet and if you weren't around in the 1990s. Because everything about this film feels and looks like minus the 2029 A.D. Los Angeles represents the 1990s in some form, but I would recommend watching The Terminator 1984 first Link . This film also has 37 Winner awards accredited to its name which include 4 Oscars; Academy Awards, USA 1992 Winners Oscars; Best Sound Tom Johnson Gary Rydstrom Gary Summers Lee Orloff, Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing Gary Rydstrom Gloria S. Borders, Best Effects, Visual Effects Dennis Muren Stan Winston Gene Warren Jr. Robert Skotak and Best Makeup Stan Winston Jeff Dawn. 33 Nominees including [from the same award ceremony/event] Best Cinematography Adam Greenberg and Best Film Editing Conrad Buff IV Mark Goldblatt Richard A. Harris.


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