Sunday 14 August 2022

Stowaway 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Stowaway 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/electrocution

Why, oh why did I watch this film?: In short Bella Denton [younger Eden Harper/teenager Emma Maddock/older Ruby Rose] gets informed that her dad has died by Meeser [Frank Grillo] and she has been left this yacht, but she has to come so he can hand it over officially the next day, but between the night before and the next day things drastically go wrong.

Everything about this film is just generic garbage, the storyline; we don't get a proper beginning to why this daughter and father don't speak any more, the ending is just very unsatisfying. But on reflection maybe that is fitting for this film as in we don't get a rounded beginning and we don't get a rounded ending. For the rest of it; it is absolutely nothing special, the pacing of this 94 minutes film is slow and steady, so likewise this is nothing to write home about.

The action sequences; there isn't much to discuss and what we do see is best described as meh action sequences as in they get the job done. The character developments and performances; the character developments are the paint by numbers character developments of what they are meant to be including our lead character coming off as not a very nice person from time to time and yes they are predictable, because I told the person that this person was involved before it happened. The performances; in short with these generic character developments comes with these performances that are once again getting the job done.

The art: there are small number of good looking scenes; I should quickly point out that these scenes have a very limited time on screen so you will have to pay attention for them, but they are eye-catching so you should be able to pick up on them, because they will stand out.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; on one hand and this is very true the person and I were debating if she wanted to continue watching this film or not, I said I had to continue for obvious reasons meaning I had to; to do this review/blog. So we looked at how long we had already watched we were roughly 40 minutes away from finishing watching this film so we continued watching it. On the other hand if there are any fans of Ruby Rose out there in Internet land, take a look at this film; but I really, really wouldn't expect much from this film.


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