Monday 1 August 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 31/08/1992 Match 7 Part 7 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 31/08/1992 Match 7 Part 7 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects. Disclaimer; I have never been in a professional wrestling ring and never likely to be.

Match/Stipulation:  "The Lord of the Jungle, The Ugandan Giant, The Mighty" Kamala [with Kim Chee & Dr. Harvey Wippleman] vs. The Undertaker [with Paul Bearer;] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 5/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: King Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Vince McMahon 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 5/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 38/60 - this match is good.

Comments:  let's begin with the positives as you can clearly see the surrounding components really did help this match/match slot and we get to see vintage Undertaker; by the move known as by today as "Old School" and an awkward looking Chokeslam, I think on reflection I am just going to have to put this down to the size of Kamala, because he just isn't a small man and then we have the jumping clothesline. But unfortunately this is where I have to get down to business  the match/match outlay is/was designed to say subliminally indicate this feud must and will continue and finally you would think we would see as we are at the old Wembley Stadium a Tombstone piledriver, well sorry to break it to you but nope, this is purely and I do stress purely based on speculation/opinion; based on what I have already said about the Chokeslam [as in if this move looks awkward there is absolutely no point in risking performing a Tombstone] and match/match outlay maybe this was to protect these two wrestlers with this outcome and possibly with limited match time of no more than 4 minutes this was the best they could do and on some research on these two wrestlers; they went head-to-head again at WWF/WWE Survivor Series 25/11/1992 in a Coffin Match.

Basic Result: The Undertaker [with Paul Bearer] picks up the W.

Briefly things to know:

* King Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Vince McMahon: are covering the aftermath of this match

Sean Mooney interview: The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith building up the next match which is our real main event based on the facts it is the last match on this pay-per-view which we get to see.

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund interview; the Intercontinental Champion Brett “The Hitman" Hart about defending his championship

Howard Finkel: Ring announcer introduces The Balmoral Highlanders and then on their second piece of music Howard Finkel introduces a special guest [ even though this is the Spoiler Version, I am going to do the right thing and not tell you.]

Sean Mooney interview; Diana Smith-Hart this is the worst interview on this pay-per-view by miles and miles to the point where Virgil's promo in comparison looks good. I refuse to put any of this on Diana and what I am about to say is speculation. This just feels like it was done on a whim as in can I just have a word with you Diana? to cooperate with this; we have Sean saying thanks for agreeing to talk to us or something to that effect or no one prepared her for this interview Mooney's approach to this interview is just all kinds of wrong from beginning to end asking two inappropriate questions in a nutshell who is going to win the Intercontinental Championship then it's going to be a war and finally cutting her off, because and I say this without being disrespectful her responses are too long Finkel has begun introducing the next match so Mooney has to quickly send it down to the ring. I would have greatly preferred "Mean" Gene Okerlund to handle this interview in the audience with Diana, whatever was meant to happen here one thing is for certain this is just very awkward. This is one of those occasions where kayfabe or not I would like to think that after this someone came to apologise to her [I know most probably not but we can all hope someone did,] because I am not making this sound worse than what it is. But you can clearly see and very much feel the awkwardness here.

* Howard Finkel: Ring announcer introduces the next match.


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